Updated: 03/22/2022

Cal Maritime has set the dates and destinations for its summer training cruise aboard the Training Ship Golden Bear, the highlight of many cadets’ experiences at the maritime academy. The ship will depart Vallejo in early May, travel to Los Angeles, Seattle, Hawaii, Catalina Island, and Ensenada, Mexico prior to returning to Vallejo. The itinerary below is subject to change, should conditions warrant.

1600      4 May                   Cruise begins                      

0800      8 May                   DEP Vallejo  

0800      10 May                ARR LA 

0800      13 May               DEP LA 

0800      23 May                ARR Seattle 

0800      26 May                 DEP Seattle 

0800      7 June                   ARR Honolulu 

0800      10 June                   DEP Honolulu 

0800      22 June               ARR Ensenada, MX 

0800      25 June               DEP Ensenada, MX 

0800      27 June               ARR Catalina (Underway Training only, no port call) 

1600      29 June               DEP Catalina 

0800      7 July                    ARR Vallejo, Cruise Ends

Class“The Cruise Committee has been hard at work developing the summer itinerary and we’re pleased with the outcome,” said Captain Sam Pecota. “Training mariners is what we do, and cruise is where a lot of that training happens. And of course, it’s great to be out on the ocean,” he added. 

The Training Ship Golden Bear  (TSGB) serves as the primary training platform on which cadets apply technological skills introduced in the classroom and leadership skills acquired from their work assignments and responsibilities within the Corps of Cadets. Each summer, cadets in their first and third years depart with licensed faculty instructors and watch officers for two months during the annual Training Cruise. During these periods at sea, our four compass points, intellectual learning, applied technology, global awareness and leadership development are on full display as the cadets hone their professional mariner skills. 

The 2020 Training Cruise unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the global pandemic. During the summer of 2021, the Golden Bear embarked on two separate 45-day Training Cruises to ensure that license track cadets could satisfy USCG sea time and STCW requirements.

For learn about previous training cruises, read the Follow the Voyage blog.

For more updates on the summer cruise, visit here

Established in 1929, Ƶ is the only degree-granting maritime academy on the West Coast. Located in Vallejo, California, the campus offers undergraduate degrees that prepare students for careers in engineering, transportation, international relations, business, and global logistics. Cal Maritime also offers a master’s degree in Transportation and Engineering Management, as well as a number of extended learning programs and courses.