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Action was taken on the following items: 01/01-01 COM 100 Introduction to Computers In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended combining the present courses of COM 100 Introduction to Computers for Deck with COM 210 Introduction to Computers. The resulting course would be COM 100 Introduction to Computers (engineering and non-engineering majors would take this course). A new catalog description needs to be submitted for purposes of the catalog. There would be no pre-requisites for the course. This change will be effective the next catalog. 01/01-02 DL 210 Shipboard Medical Lab (STCW) was tabled until the ME Chair engages in discussion with the ET Chair about the impact of this change on the ME curriculum. 01/01-03 DL 210 Shipboard Medical Lab (Cruise-Taught Course to Campus- Taught Course) was tabled also for the same reasons mentioned above. 01/01-04 ET 230 Properties of Materials and ET 231 Properties of Materials Lab In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended separating the lab from the lecture and assigning separate units to each; 1 unit for ET 231 (the lab) and 2 units for ET 230 (the lecture) effective the next catalog. 01/01-05 ET 490 Power Engineering Technology In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended deleting ET 350 as a pre-requisite to ET 490 effective the next catalog. 01/01-06 ENG 430 Naval Architecture In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended ME 340 Engineering Fluid Mechanics and ET 340 Fluid Mechanics as pre-requisites to ENG 430 effective the next catalog. 01/01-07 CRU 350 Sea Training III In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended increasing course credits from 2 to 8 effective the next catalog. 01/01-08 CRU 250 Sea Training II In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended deleting EPO 220 Diesel Engineering I and EPO 214 Boilers as pre-requisites and to increase units from 2 to 8 effective the next catalog. Page 2, Curriculum Committee Minutes, January 23, 2001 11/00-09 CRU 150 Sea Training I In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended increasing course credits from 2 to 8 effective the next catalog. 01/01-11 ET 442 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning and ET 443 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Lab In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended separating HVAC lab from the lecture and assigning 1 unit to ET 443 (HVAC lab) and 2 units to ET 442 (HVAC lecture) for a total of 3 units effective the next catalog. 01/01-12 ET 342 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and ET 343 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lab In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended separating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning lab from the lecture and assigning 1 unit to ET 343 (the lab) and 2 units to ET 342 (the lecture) for a total of 3 units effective the next catalog. 01/01-13 ET 450 Electronics and ET 451 Electronics Lag In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended changing the course numbers to ET 352 and ET 353 respectively to accommodate moving them up one year in the curriculum beginning with the Class of 2003. 01/01-14 ENG 250 Electrical Circuits and Electronics and ENG 251 Electrical Circuits and Electronics Lab In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended assigning 1 unit to ENG 251 (the lab) and assigning 3 units to ENG 250 (the lecture) for a total of 4 units effective the next catalog. 01/01-15 ME 350 Electromechanical Machinery and ME 351 Electromechanical Machinery Lab In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended assigning 1 unit to ME 351 (the lab) and 3 units to ME 350 (the lecture) effective the next catalog. 01/01-16 ME 360 Instrumentation and Measurement Systems and ME 361 Instrumentation and Measurement Systems Lab In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended assigning 1 unit to ME 361 (the lab) and 2 units to ME 360 (the lecture) effective the next catalog. 01/01-17 ME 460 Automatic Feedback Control and ME 461 Automatic Feedback Control Lab In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended assigning 1 unit to ME 461 (the lab) and 3 units to ME 460 (the lecture) effective the next catalog. Page 3, Curriculum Committee Minutes, January 23, 2001 01/01-18 EPO 120 Introduction to Marine Engineering Systems and EPO 121 Introduction to Marine Engineering Systems Lab In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended assigning 1 unit to EPO 121 (the lab) and 2 units to EPO (the lecture) effective the next catalog. 01/01-19 ET 360 Instrumentation and Measurement and ET 361 Instrumentation and Measurement Lab In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended assigning 1 unit to EPO 361 (the lab) and 2 units to EPO 360 (the lecture) effective the next catalog. 01/01/20 ET 461 Automation and ET 461 Automation Lab In a unanimous vote, the committee recommended assigning 1 unit to ET 461 (the lab) and 3 units to ET 460 (the lecture) effective the next catalog 01/01/21 CRU 390 Independent Study The committee voted to table this matter until it is brought before the Marine Transportation Department. The committee asks Debbie Fischer, Student Records Officer, to investigate whether or not her computer system will accommodate the use of “L” after course numbers to indicate a lab. The Curriculum Committee will reconvene on Tuesday, January 30, 2001. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Albert T. Perkins, Recorder CC: Dr. Bunny Paine-Clemes, President, Academic Senate Dr. Jay Christofferson, Vice President, Academic Affairs ><`67@^ь opyР• – Ё Ч I e  / Њ У О ж Q О žћї%јWl q\pq6ЅCš:g Q§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§55#=>ЊЋЦЧ2367ту*op— ˜ ? @ ћјјјі№іііыіцісімиігіЮіЩ & F  & F  & F„h & F & F & F & F„а„а$Є#=>ЊЋЦЧ2367ту*op— ˜ ? @   Ё | } Д Е G H ”•эююя‰№ёђѓє+,-9:01њћŠ‹DE‹ŒЇЈЉСТ§њїєёюышхтмйжгаЭЪЧФСОЛИЕВ                          F   Ё | } Д Е G H ”•эююя‰№§ј§ѓ§§§ю§щ§ф§п§кж§б§Ь§Ч & F & F & F„h & F & F & F & F & F  & F  & F №ёђѓє+,-9:01њћŠ‹DE‹ŒЇЈЉСТќќќќќќќїќђ№ы№ц№с№м№з№№гг„р & F & F & F & F & F & F & F$ТУФрсQТУФрсQћћћљљѕ„а„рАа/ Ар=!А"А# $ %А [(@ёџ(NormalCJmH <A@ђџЁ<Default Paragraph Font.ўO.AlTitle $Є№5*ўO*AlList1  & F*ўO*AlList2  & F*ўO"*AlList3  & FQ 0 џџџџQ №ТQТQˆГИѕћ .S@QCQЛТКЩWg*1ПХгиЙ Р і § ! 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