ࡱ> 8:7k bjbj 6}} lJJJJJJJ^ ^HHHHHUUU"i$  xJU3"UUUJJHHU:JHJHUJJH< ܵ^R0^^JJJJM-I-N-U-T-E-S Curriculum Committee Tuesday, November 19, 2002 3:00 p.m. Present: Chris Stuart, Tim Lynch, Jim Wheeler, Mark Sekelick, Tom Mader (for Bob Hammaker), Steve Kreta (non-voting), Mansur Rastani (for Nader Bagheri), Larry Howard (Chair), and Pat Harper (Recorder, non-voting) Guest: Donna Nincic Absent: Cadet Ryan Libhart, Bruce Boylen, Dan Lintz, Debbie Fischer (non-voting) ( The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Larry Howard at 3:04 p.m. ( Pat Harper was welcomed to the meeting as the new Recorder. ( Jim Wheeler motioned that the minutes of Tuesday, October 15, 2002 be approved as amended; Tom Mader seconded the motion. ( Old Business The Curriculum Committee would like an assessment plan from each department. ( Steve Kreta stated that he hadnt seen some of the curriculum changes that were on the agenda. All change requests should be given to Steve first for review; he will send them to Larry. ( CCR 11-02-08 NSC 400 Leadership, Ethics, and Naval Science for the Merchant Marine Reservist II and CCR 11-02-9 NSC 200 Naval Science for the Merchant Marine Reservist I were tabled by Chris Stuart until the next meeting. ( CCR 11-02-01 NAU 400 Advanced Seamanship Course Revision. Mark Sekelick spoke about changing the title from Advanced Seamanship to Advanced Maritime Topics. Voting was delayed until after CCR 11-02-02 was brought to the table and voted on. Mansur Rastani joined the Committee at this point. Jim motioned; Mark seconded to approve the title revision, subject to the addition of course goals, objectives, and assessment information. The title revision was unanimously approved (6-Yes/0-No). ( CCR 11-02-02 CRU 350 Sea Training III (Engine) Course Revision. Tom Mader spoke about the need to require firefighting as a prerequisite to CRU 350. If the ship has a fire onboard while at sea, all senior students should have firefighting training prior to cruise so they will know how to put out the fire. Tom motioned; Jim seconded to approve the requirement of firefighting as a prerequisite to CRU 350. The vote was unanimous (5-Yes/0-No). ( CCR 11-02-03 ME 490 Project Design I, 11-02-04 ME 492 Project Design II, and 11-02-05 ME 494 Project Design III All Course Revisions. Mansur Rastani spoke about the need to change the course descriptions of all three classes. Mansur motioned; Chris seconded to approve changes to the course descriptions. The vote was split (5-Yes/1-No). ( CCR 11-02-06 GMA 440 The Politics of Spill Crisis Management New Course. Tim motioned; Mark seconded to add GMA 440 to the curriculum as a new elective. The Committee voted unanimously (6-Yes/0-No) in favor of adopting this course but it must be re-submitted on the correct form. ( CCR 11-02-07 NSC 310 Naval Operations Course Revision. Chris Stuart motioned; Jim Wheeler seconded to change the title of this course to Strategy and Tactics and to separate the lab from the lecture. In a unanimous vote (6-Yes/0-No), the committee recommends the title change and the adoption of NSC 310L Naval Operations Lab, which separates the lab from the lecture and assigns 3 units to NSC 310 (lecture) and 1 unit to NSC 310L (lab) effective the next catalog. An assessment plan must be provided and new CCR forms filled out to reflect the changes to the lecture and lab. ( The meeting was adjourned at 4:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted,  Pat Harper, Recorder cc: Tuuli Messer, Chair, Academic Senate Dr. Jay Christofferson, Vice President, Academic Affairs I X G H V o x Rf  PQjCJUmHnHu j~5\7#>HI 56 0  0 0p 0pn^`n$a$ 8 G  78PRShi 0>^`> 0` 0 0B^`B  0$ 0`a$ 0`#0P/ =!"#$%F 5k*<8JFIF``C : }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz?((((((+g<+/ ^:7Yg|cgN|'_i:Lj|Mo6zF H5gTӴ: h%(uCt}2 ϣ??e//O 9O#ž'ߎxP'to>xz>xe߆|]gTӼ'q~??jߎ~={|L>*74}RZw~~_1xS?o~6M#U k=/"?5߇^,rGE|-;4v M/ e#>.??闦?ǟ2u߷&1-Nj7ïfk'$^7ŞE ??fiŇ>˩WOmQE| ~i#[¤gJ%ߴ3?<9=kxSſ ǃ(|,xDf{mF?g!U6?~xĞ/_~: 67MoxNtw~F<.uY 3(~)xO 3|Jhj hߴ'|`4{/8 si./?]#lYM~6|M_QEQEyş_OZ% 0|?߈4OH Ú]lwP;>4|&W?)ig/㏎?C]7Us 7M-?ú7|q&KĿ>xO |eψ&xwYw-_G4WB kf]yWW0EWſ*/R| Q?~~ Լ3y+'|53_ 'Ũڳ\oe_?Y?=?#{tIς;t2Ŀ|Zk>σx𴱹!+~>>1?>%??沵Ӵ~*ώ ƿi~,Ӭ|UW⧂_x{O5E,vYgNcUm+ɿooAs,|`m~ßχk~ 9+BUR3k~{||?=N.~3|+MGBҾ6y/_Yj */_OOx X>|>'U[?a_i~ x|8*|+Sz/=Gu"zFgoz泧[1c6xQMCj??'p|TcgCYҼ+>+~ _xO'|S >ߴÏ Xiu%ecq~((_ | o:$d6jzLJ+X~.<3h-'xGm/uώ?^omfMM?ig/R@FC,.gL#>72?^Wվz<7i~߳u Gy{Qx&ه7OOAK+X |xƩxG eo /~3: LǾE)_4߯oMȯ? 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