ࡱ> <>;k  bjbj 2}} lJJJJJJJ^ ^!~"$  xJ"CJJCCC.JJCCC hJJ rw^H.0!7!C7!C^^JJJJ M-I-N-U-T-E-S Curriculum Committee Tuesday, April 1, 2003 11:00 a.m. Present: Larry Howard (Chair), Bob Hammaker, Dan Lintz, Cadet Ryan Libhart, Jim Wheeler, Mark Sekelick, Bruce Boylen, Nader Bagheri, Steve Kreta (non-voting), and Pat Harper (Recorder, non-voting) Guest: Jennifer Yount Absent: Chris Stuart, Tim Lynch, and Debbie Fischer (non-voting) ( The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Larry Howard at 11:00 a.m. ( Mark Sekelick motioned that the minutes of March 4, 2003 be approved; Jim Wheeler seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved (8-Yes/0-No). OLD BUSINESS CCR 03/03-01 and CCR 03/03-02 LAN 120 Chinese I and LAN 125 Chinese II New Courses. Via e-mail, the assessment plans for both courses were approved with an 8-Yes/0-No vote. ( CCR 01/03-02 SOC 220 Perspectives in Leadership and CCR 03/03-03 and CCR 03/03-04 HUM 105 Spanish I and HUM 205 Spanish II The assessment plans for all three courses are still pending. NEW BUSINESS ( CCR 04/03-01 CRU 225 Sea Training II (Deck) (CG Only) and CRU 225L Sea Training II Lab (Deck) (CG Only) New Courses. These courses will replace CRU 200 Sea Training II (Deck) and CRU 200L Sea Training II Lab (Deck) for Marine Transportation students in the new CMAPP program. Jim Wheeler commended Steve Kreta for the fast organization of these courses prior to April 2003 when they will be offered for the first time, Larry Howard commended Jennifer Yount for her ability to work with the Coast Guard so that CMA will become the first college to offer this new program, and Jim Wheeler also commended Jennifer Yount for the excellent preparation of these new courses; other committee members agreed. Jim motioned for approval of both courses; Mark Sekelick seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous (8-Yes/0-No). ( The next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 11:00 a.m. in the Naval Science Conference Room. Dr. Jay Christofferson will address assessment planning. Any new business that is given to Steve Kreta and Larry Howard in a timely fashion will be put on the agenda. ( The meeting was adjourned at 11:28 a.m.  Respectfully submitted, Pat Harper, Recorder cc: Tuuli Messer, Chair, Academic Senate Dr. Jay Christofferson, Vice President, Academic Affairs Laura Layton, Exec. 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