ࡱ> @B?k bjbj :}} lJJJJJJJ^zzzz ^1~" $  xJ"?JJ???.JJ???- hJJ yg^z^01"G!?G!?^^JJJJM-I-N-U-T-E-S Curriculum Committee Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:00 a.m. Present: Larry Howard (Chair), Nader Bagheri, Chris Stuart, Tim Lynch (Shared Vote), Tom Mader, Lisa Carroll, Greg Cho (Shared Vote), Debbie Fischer (Non-voting), Steve Kreta (Non-voting), and Pat Harper (Recorder, Non-voting) Guest: Jennifer Yount Absent: Cadet Ryan Libhart, Jim Buckley, and Dan Lintz ( The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Larry Howard at 11:03 a.m. CCR 01/04-02(a) ENG 120 Engineering Communications New Course. For Mechanical Engineers, starting in Fall 2004 for the Class of 2008, this course would replace COM 100 Introduction to Computers. It combines the coursework from COM 100 and the engineering communications aspect of ENG 220 Engineering Communications. Nader Bagheri motioned for approval; Chris Stuart seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 6-Yes/0-No. CCR 01/04-02(b) ME 220 Computer Aided Engineering New Course. For Mechanical Engineers, starting in Fall 2005 for the Class of 2008, this course would replace ENG 220 Engineering Communications. It emphasizes the computer engineering design aspect of ENG 220. Nader Bagheri motioned for approval; Chris Stuart seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 6-Yes/0-No. Tom Mader motioned that the minutes of January 27, 2004 be approved; Nader Bagheri seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved 6-Yes/0-No. ( CCR 01/04-01 CRU 255 Sea Training II (Engine) (CG Only) New Course. This course would replace CRU 250 Sea Training II for Marine Engineering Technology and Mechanical Engineering (USCG) cadets who have been fully accepted into the California Maritime Academy Pre-Commissioning Pilot Program (CMAPPP). Tom Mader motioned for approval; Tim Lynch seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 6-Yes/0-No. ( Steve Kreta stated that the Marine Transportation Dept. will be submitting changes to the MT curriculum in the coming months. Larry Howard confirmed that the Business Dept. will be submitting new items to be reviewed at the Curriculum Committees next meeting. Debbie Fischer stated that Al McLemore will soon be submitting a proposal for a new course, EPO 319 Facilities Engineering Diagnostics Lab. ( The Executive Committee of the Senate has requested that the Curriculum Committee take on some policy issues. Jennifer Yount explained that according to the interpretation of Senate rules by the current executive committee, the Curriculum Committee is authorized to consider policy issues. Larry Howard explained that he didnt think it appropriate to leave the issue to an ad-hoc interpretation and will propose an explicit provision in the committees by-laws, for approval of the executive committee, to detail the scope of the committees authority. Making policies has not been part of the Curriculum Committee. At the next meeting on March 9, 2004, Larry Howard will invite representatives of the Executive Committee to attend. He will also distribute the Curriculum Committee By-Laws. ( The meeting was adjourned at 11:23 a.m.  Respectfully submitted, Pat Harper, Recorder cc: Robert Hammaker, Chair, Academic Senate Dr. Jay Christofferson, Vice President, Academic Affairs Laura Layton, Exec. 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