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After a lengthy discussion about the proposed curriculum and reading an e-mail sent by Chris Stuart, Tom Mader motioned that the Marine Transportation curriculum be approved as proposed but remove the unit designations for Marine Electronics/ECDIS and Transportation Security, and replace with TBD (to be determined). After the STCW requirements are determined for these two courses, they must be brought to the Curriculum Committee for approval. The new MT curriculum for the Maritime Management option shall not exceed the current total units of 159 and the QMED option shall not exceed the current total units of 173. Lisa Carroll seconded the motion. The final vote was 4-Yes/2-Abstain. Proposed Response to the Request by the Academic Senate for a Recommendation from the Curriculum Committee on a Policy Regarding Individual/Independent Studies. The proposal was tabled until the next meeting in the fall. The meeting was adjourned at 1:16 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Pat Harper, Recorder cc: Robert Hammaker, Chair, Academic Senate Dr. Jay Christofferson, Vice President, Academic Affairs Laura Layton, Exec. 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