ࡱ> BDA% Kbjbj%% 8GGK lJJJJJJJ^ ^#~HHHHH^```Gw G#$D% d'xk#J"k#eJJHH#eeeBJHJH^e^e@e"hJJ^H< {3^C"^#0#'e'^e^^JJJJM-I-N-U-T-E-S Curriculum Committee Tuesday, October 26, 2004 2:30 p.m. Present: Tom Mader (Chair), Mansur Rastani, Larry Howard, Jim Buckley, Darron Thompson, Pat Hollister, Tim Lynch (Shared Vote), Greg Cho (Shared Vote), Jason De Jesus, Steve Kreta (Non-voting), Debbie Fischer (Non-voting), and Pat Harper (Non-voting) Absent: Dan Lintz and Lisa Carroll Guest: Carol Reade ( At 2:33 p.m. the meeting was called to order by the new Curriculum Committee Chair, Tom Mader. ( Pat Hollister was welcomed as the Athletic Department representative and Jason De Jesus was welcomed as the ASCMA representative. Larry motioned that the minutes of September 28, 2004 be approved; Mansur seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved 8-Yes/0-No. Curriculum Committee Policies and Procedures. The revised document was approved via e-mail prior to the meeting with a vote of 6-Yes/0-No. Submission of the revised document for final approval was held in abeyance pending adjudication of proposed revisions to the Curriculum Change Request format. CCR No. 10/04-01 GMA 215 Introduction to Comparative Politics. This new course will replace GMA 205 Introduction to Public Policy in Spring 2005 for the Global Studies and Maritime Affairs, Class of 2007 students. It was requested that the GE Review Committee review this new course to see if it qualifies as a social science elective for other majors. Larry motioned that this course be approved, pending the corrections proposed; Mansur seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 8-Yes/0-No. CCR No. 10/04-02 MGT 350 Transnational Management, 10/04-03 MGT 450 International Human Resource Management, and 10/04-04 MGT 455 Cross-Cultural Negotiation. Carol Reade presented these three new courses. They will replace BUS 305 Money and Banking, BUS 400 Business and Society, and MGT 410 Quantitative Managerial Methods in the International Management option of the Business Administration major, starting with the Class of 2009. Larry motioned for approval of all three courses, pending a review by the GE Review Committee to determine if the courses are in compliance with Title V to qualify as a social science requirement. Mansur seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 8-Yes/0-No. Curriculum Change Request Form Revision. The Enrollment Management Committee requested that additional items containing PeopleSoft information be added to the form. Pending the correction of two errors, Larry motioned that the Curriculum Change Request Form be approved; Mansur seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 8-Yes/0-No. Steve has asked Pat Harper to make this form into a template document with check boxes, pull-down lists, and text boxes. Once the form is completed, she will forward the form to Tom Mader. He will then forward it and the revised Curriculum Committee Policies and Procedures document to the Academic Senate Executive Committee for approval. A suggestion was made that both of these documents be made available in a Curriculum Committee folder on MYCMA. IS will be consulted to determine where the folder should be placed on MYCMA. Larry motioned for adjournment at 3:40 p.m.; Pat Hollister seconded the motion. Respectfully submitted,  Pat Harper, Secretary cc: Robert Hammaker, President, Academic Senate Dr. Don Zingale, Vice President, Academic Affairs Laura Layton, Exec. 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