ࡱ> JLI` 3bjbj :3      !@ @ @ @ @ 4666G} $"h8%  " @ @ g  v@ @ 4 4 dh@ 4 " ? 4 0!%U |% %  ! D     M-I-N-U-T-E-S Curriculum Committee Tuesday, January 25, 2005 10:00 a.m. Present: Tom Mader (Chair), Mansur Rastani, Larry Howard, Jim Buckley, Pat Hollister, Tim Lynch, Jason De Jesus, Steve Kreta (Non-voting), Debbie Fischer (Non-voting), and Pat Harper (Non-voting) Absent: Dan Lintz, Darron Thompson, Greg Cho Guest: Lloyd Kitazono ( At 10:00 a.m. the meeting was called to order by Tom Mader. ( Larry motioned that the minutes of October 26, 2004 be approved; Jim seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved 7-Yes/0-No. Curriculum Committee Policies and Procedures. This document has been sent to the Policy Committee of the Academic Senate and is now waiting for approval by the Academic Senate Executive Committee. CCR No. 10/04-02 MGT 350 Transnational Management, 10/04-03 MGT 450 International Human Resource Management, and 10/04-04 MGT 455 Cross-Cultural Negotiation. The General Education Review Committee determined that substituting these three courses for three other courses in the Business curriculum will not affect the current compliance with Title V. These courses still need approval by the VPAA but the original paperwork has been misplaced. Carol Reade will be asked to re-create the documents. Proposal to Split the General Studies Department. Lloyd presented the proposal to split the General Studies Department into two departments. The Curriculum Committee members had been emailed a document that explained why the department wants to split, what the benefits would be, and how it would impact the budget, other committees and General Education. Both departments will consist of 12 faculty members so it will be an equal split. One department will be called Sciences and Mathematics, and the other department will be called Global Studies, Social Studies, and Humanities. The Curriculum Committee expressed concerns with the length of the second department name and recommends simplification. Larry Howard motioned that the Curriculum Committee support the General Studies split and forward its recommendation to the Academic Senate Executive Committee, Pat Hollister seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 7-Yes/0-No. Marine Transportation Curriculum. The MT department is working on a new curriculum and will soon present it to the Curriculum Committee. Several new courses will also be submitted for approval. The meeting was adjourned at 10:49 a.m. Respectfully submitted,  Pat Harper, Secretary cc: Robert Hammaker, President, Academic Senate Dr. Don Zingale, Vice President, Academic Affairs Laura Layton, Exec. Asst. to VPAA .>?IK ! " ; D R T U Y b   O T V W ` i  H  G h[\ h[5\ hUt5\hUthM3z5\ hUt\ h*\ hMN\ h<"\ h1\ h15\hR(hTBhMNhDa j~hM3z hqhqhq hq5\ hM3z5\hM3zh h:93%?JK < S T ! 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