ࡱ> OQN` bjbjss < H H H H $l (    !!!!-("8%H(${*h,xl( "   l( g( j  ! !|} )|bH F!(0([- [-$}[-}|       l(l(   (    D D (  M-I-N-U-T-E-S Curriculum Committee Tuesday, March 7, 2006 11:00 a.m. Present: Mansur Rastani (Chair), Tom Mader, Sam Pecota, Bruce Hartman, Charlie Arms, Julie Chisholm, Jaya Punglia, Mindy Drake, Stacy Shuppert, Steve Kreta (Non-voting), Debbie Fischer (Non-voting), and Pat Harper (Non-voting) Absent: Dave Coleman and Darron Thompson ( At 11:05 a.m. the meeting was called to order by Mansur Rastani. ( A slight change to the minutes of November 29, 2005, was requested. Under the topic of Master of Science Degree for Global Supply Chain Management and Security, concept approval was changed to concept endorsement. Tom then motioned that the minutes of November 29, 2005 be approved; Sam seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved 9-Yes/0-No. ( Old Business Removal of SOC 215 International Studies from the Global and Maritime Studies Department course offerings was again tabled until the next meeting. ( CCR 03/06-01 ET 232 Statics, CCR 03/06-03 ET 340 Fluid Mechanics, and CCR 03/06-04 ET 344 Thermodynamics. Change the prerequisite of PHY 100 Physics I to PHY 200 Engineering Physics I for all three courses. Mansur motioned for approval; Julie and Bruce seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 9-Yes/0-No. ( CCR 03/06-02 ET 250 Electrical Circuits. Change the prerequisite of PHY 105 Physics II to PHY 205 Engineering Physics II. Bruce motioned for approval; Stacy seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 9-Yes/0-No. ( CCR 03/06-05 PHY 200 Engineering Physics I. Modify the mathematics prerequisite to MTH 200 Technical Calculus I or MTH 210 Calculus I. The committee had two concerns on this proposal, 1) the sequence of the proposed PHY 200 was not in harmony with the current course offering scheduled by the Science & Math Department, 2) there was a prerequisite requirement of two calculus courses (MTH 200 & MTH 201) for PHY 200. ( Tom Mader decided to table all of the CCRs because the Engineering Technology Department needs to review the entire situation. ( Other Business The Approved Curriculum Committee Policies & Procedures. The Academic Senate is looking at changing the Curriculum Committees duties to include program reviews so the CC Policies & Procedures may be changed again. The meeting was adjourned at 11:49 a.m. Respectfully submitted,  Pat Harper, Secretary cc: Tom Nordenholz, Chair, Academic Senate Dr. Don Zingale, Vice President, Academic Affairs Laura Layton, Exec. 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