ࡱ> RTQ#` bjbj5G5G <W-W-   =& & & & & . ----7.5_=$?hAx="=& & g=.& & --(:*&  S (-=0=(\vB.@vB0:*vB:*"7K==n=$  =  M-I-N-U-T-E-S Curriculum Committee Monday, November 27, 2006, 12:30 p.m. Present: Bruce Hartman (Chair), Sam Pecota, Mindy Drake, Lui Hebron, John Massey, Britt Elliott, Darron Thompson, Charlie Arms, Steve Kreta (Non-voting), Debbie Fischer (Non-voting) and Pat Harper (Non-voting) Absent: Greg Cho and Tony Snell Presenter: Donna Nincic ( The meeting was called to order by Bruce Hartman at 12:35. ( Lui motioned that the minutes of Monday, October 23, 2006 be approved; Charlie seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved 8-Yes/0-No. ( Bruce distributed a memo from Paul Jackson about the ET Program Review. Mindy requested that course portfolios be available for review by the Curriculum Committee. Professional courses that are not included in the ABET Self-Study Report need to be reviewed separately by the Curriculum Committee. Mindy also asked if there are any evaluations available for review from current students and graduates. The Committee requested that a copy of these minutes be sent to Tom Mader and Paul Jackson to ask them how we should proceed. One brief comment by committee members about Part 1 of the Self Study, 1B2a2, Outcome 2 was that it was vague. The Committee will continue the discussion at the next meeting and provide the ET program with a written update. ( CCR 11/06-01, GMA 225 Politics of Pacific Asia and CCR 11/06-02, GMA 315 Politics of China. Both courses will fulfill the social science requirements for all majors. There are currently 30 students enrolled in Politics of China. It was noticed that grading should be listed as Graded, not ABC/NC. Sam motioned for approval of both courses, pending the correction of errors in both documents; John seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 8-Yes/0-No. CCR 11/06-03 Master of Science Degree in Global Supply Chain Management and Security. Donna Nincic presented this new degree to the Committee and several interested staff members. Debbie mentioned that PeopleSoft has not been set up yet for enrollment in this degree. Charlie motioned for the endorsement of this program; Sam seconded the motion. Some committee members had to leave the meeting prior to the vote so the unanimous vote was 5-Yes/0-No. Four new courses will be presented to the Curriculum Committee in spring 2007. The next meeting will be scheduled for sometime during the second week in January 2007. Charlie motioned to adjourn the meeting; the meeting was adjourned at 2:36 p.m. Respectfully submitted,  Pat Harper, Secretary cc: Tom Nordenholz, Chair, Academic Senate Dr. Don Zingale, Vice President, Academic Affairs Laura Layton, Exec. Asst. to VPAA Paul Jackson, ET Chair Tom Mader, Vice President, Academic Senate %+-JLUlvx  & . = > G V W X Y Z | ! 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