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Proposal to change course responsibilities from Maritime Operations Department to Marine Engineering Technology Department, which will allow better coordination between the class and the lab. After much discussion, Charlie motioned to table this CCR for a few weeks; Mindy seconded the motion. This will allow time for the Maritime Operations and Marine Engineering Technology coordinators for the class and the lab to discuss possible coordination between the two courses. The vote was 8-Yes, 1-No. ( CCR 02/07-08 Revision of Various Prerequisites for Engineering Technology Courses. Charlie motioned for approval of the list of prerequisite changes, with some modifications and corrections; Tony seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 9-Yes/0-No. ( CCR 02/07-07 Transportation Security. Paul Leyda was not at the meeting and Sam Pecota could not speak on this CCR, so it was postponed until the next meeting. ( CCR 02/07-03 HIS 315 World Maritime History I: Antiquity to Age of Discovery and CCR 02/07-04 HIS 320 World Maritime History II: Age of Exploration through the Nuclear Age. The course content of the current elective course, HIS 315 World Maritime History, will be divided into two courses. HIS 315 will be renamed and, due to a course number change request by Debbie, a new course, HIS 316, will be created. Tim Lynch agreed with the course number change from HIS 320 to HIS 316. Both courses meet the requirements for a Social Science Elective but do not meet the requirements for an American Constitutions Elective. Mindy motioned for approval of both courses, Tony seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 9-Yes, 0-No. ( CCR 02/07-05 HIS 350 Race, Class and Gender in the Maritime World and CCR 02/07-06 HIS 360 Bay Area Maritime History. Both of these new course proposals will meet the requirements for a Social Science Elective but do not meet the requirements for an American Constitutions Elective. Mindy motioned for approval of both courses, Lui seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 9-Yes, 0-No. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 28, 2007, from 9:50 to10:40 a.m. in the Presidents Conference Room. Ryan motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:48 a.m.; Mindy seconded the motion. Respectfully submitted,  Pat Harper, Secretary cc: Tom Nordenholz, Chair, Academic Senate Dr. Don Zingale, Vice President, Academic Affairs Laura Layton, Exec. 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