ࡱ> gif#` bjbj 8  ], , , , , M9O9O9O9S9xKx\$^h-ar\ " \, , g\ , , M9 M9 n03, p[d 1 M9\0]1a a@3a3 \\ ] d d \ Revised 10/15/07 M-I-N-U-T-E-S Curriculum Committee Monday, September 24, 2007, 11:50 a.m. Present: Bruce Hartman (Chair), Darron Thompson, Sam Pecota, Charlie Arms, Mindy Drake, Lui Hebron, Greg Cho, John Massey, Steve Kreta (Non-voting), Debbie Fischer (Non-voting), and Pat Harper (Non-voting) Absent: Britt Elliott, Tony Snell, and Ryan Reiger ( The meeting was called to order by Bruce Hartman at 11:50 a.m. ( Bruce asked for approval of the minutes of Monday, April 30, 2007. The minutes were approved unanimously 7-Yes/0-No (John Massey had not arrived yet.) ( Last semester, the revised Curriculum Committee Policies and Procedures document was presented to the Senate Executive Committee for approval. The Executive Committee discovered that no previous versions had ever been sent to the Senate for approval. ( Bruce suggested that a statement be added to the Curriculum Committee Policies and Procedures document that the Curriculum Committee archives will be stored in the library archives. ( The Curriculum Committee will need to consider how the PIE Dean fits in with its responsibilities. ( Nominations were taken for Curriculum Committee chair for 2007/08. Bruce Hartman was nominated and agreed to a second term. Bruce was elected unanimously 7-Yes/0-No. ( The Engineering Technology Dept. needs a program review letter from the Curriculum Committee to send with its response to ABET. The program review subcommittee will present this letter at the next meeting. ( The Curriculum Committee plans to hold meetings on the second Monday of every month during the fall semester. The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 8, 2007 (later changed to Monday, October 15, 2007). ( Sam motioned for adjournment; Darron seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 12.10 p.m. Respectfully submitted,  Pat Harper, Secretary cc: James Buckley, Chair, Academic Senate Dr. Don Zingale, Vice President, Academic Affairs Laura Layton, Exec. 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