ࡱ> []Z#` 7bjbj :7 ( ( ( ( $L Bl l l l l 9999-9=A$Ch;FrA " Al l gA l l 9 9 n/2l ` pW @( 0 9A0B0F! F@2F2 AA  B dA  M-I-N-U-T-E-S Curriculum Committee Monday, December 17, 2007, 11:45 a.m. Present: Bruce Hartman (Chair), Lui Hebron, Greg Cho, John Massey, Britt Elliott, Mindy Drake, Josh Lauman, Tony Snell, Sam Pecota, Sandy Handel (Non-voting), Debbie Fischer (Non-voting) and Pat Harper (Non-voting) Absent: Charlie Arms, Ryan Reiger, and Steve Kreta (Non-voting) Guest: Bill Schmid ( The meeting was called to order by Bruce Hartman at 11:45 a.m. ( Bruce called for approval of the minutes of December 10, 2007. Mindy motioned that the minutes be approved; Britt seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously 9-Yes/0-No. ( CCR 12/07-01 NAU 430/NAU 430L Liquified Gas Cargos/Lab Bill Schmid answered a few questions about this proposed new course. He will obtain completed Department Chair Questionnaire Forms from the Engineering Technology and the Mechanical Engineering Departments since this course will be an elective course for ET and ME students. Mindy motioned for approval; Britt seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 9-Yes/0-No. ( CCR 12/07-03 GMA 211 GSMA Cruise 1B: Sea Component Bruce motioned that the Curriculum Committee strongly support the dropping of CRU 195 Introduction to Maritime Operations from the GSMA curriculum and adding an additional unit to GMA 211. Next semester, Spring 2008, the GMS Dept. must provide CCR documents that reflect the changes in the course descriptions for GMA 210 and GMA 211. Britt seconded the motion. The vote was 8-Yes/0-No/1 Abstention ( Britt Elliott informed the Curriculum Committee that next semester, for his sections of DL 100 Small Craft Operations, he would like to offer to interested students a trial program to obtain US Sailing Certification for safe power boating. The cost would be $35. Students would not have to participate if they werent interested. If Business or Global Studies students were interested, they could take DL 100 from Britt Elliott or take PE 160 Beginning Sailing or PE 260 Intermediate Sailing from Charlie Arms since she also offers the certification. ( Tony motioned to adjourn the meeting; Greg seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Pat Harper, Secretary cc: James Buckley, Chair, Academic Senate Dr. Don Zingale, Vice President, Academic Affairs Laura Layton, Exec. 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