ࡱ> ^`]#` bjbj < ( ( ( ( $L Et t t t t .+ ? ====-5=-A%E$XGhIrIE8 " 88IEt t g^Ettt8"t t =t8=ttnj25t h #1( Zr3 =tE0E32Jp2J@52J5K "m t  K K K IEIE^K K K E8888 d ^E  M-I-N-U-T-E-S Curriculum Committee Friday, April 11, 2008, 9:45 AM Present: Bruce Hartman (Chair), Greg Cho, Sam Pecota, Mindy Drake, John Massey, Lui Hebron, Charlie Arms-Cartee, Debbie Fischer (Non-voting), Steve Kreta (Non-voting), and Pat Harper (Non-voting) Absent: Tony Snell, Josh Lauman, Britt Elliott, Sean Diaz, and Sandy Handel (Non-voting) Guest: Lloyd Kitazono and Tim Lynch ( The meeting was called to order by Bruce Hartman at 9:48 AM ( Bruce called for approval of the minutes of March 14, 2008. Lui motioned that the minutes be approved; John seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously 7-Yes/0-No. ( CCR 2/08-01 Changing Math and Physics Prerequisites to Require C- or Better in Previous Course The Curriculum Committee suggested that the Sciences and Mathematics Department meet with the Engineering Technology and Mechanical Engineering Departments to discuss this issue. ( CCR 04/08-01 GMA 120 Introduction to Environmental Policy (New Course) CCR 04/08-02 GMA 230 U.S. Maritime Policy (New Course) Mindy motioned for approval; John seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 7-Yes/0-No. ( The Committee members requested that a question regarding GE area requirements be added to the CCR Template. ( Next semester the Curriculum Committee needs to address its policy on how Cal Maritime meets the GE requirements for each area. ( CCR 04/08-03 MTH 107 Elementary Statistics (New Course) Mindy motioned for approval with the stipulation that the prerequisite for this course be changed to MTH 100 or ELEC 70 and Garrett Kenehan must agree with the change; Bruce seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 7-Yes/0-No. ( CCR 04/08-04 GMA 211 GSMA Cruise 1B: Sea Component (Revised Course-Unit Change) Sam motioned for approval; Greg seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 6-Yes/0-No. John Massey had to leave prior to the vote. ( Lui motioned to adjourn the meeting; Charlie seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 6-Yes/0-No. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 AM. Another Curriculum Committee meeting will be scheduled before the end of this semester. Respectfully submitted, Pat Harper, Secretary cc: James Buckley, Chair, Academic Senate Dr. Don Zingale, Vice President, Academic Affairs Laura Layton, Exec. 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