ࡱ> 796%`  bjbj"x"x 4@@   C E E E E E E $z!h#i i ~ .C C  `o|FFC 0 $v$$i i m D@D@~  CURRICULUM COMMITTEE AGENDA FOR NOVEMBER MEETING November 17, 2008 1. Revisit CCR #04/08-6 GMA 405 International Maritime Organizations This course was included in a package of GSMA changes last April as only a renaming of an existing course but it also has a new course description for the catalog and probably other new information. This course has been taught several times but it never was brought to the Curriculum Committee as a new course. Since this course doesnt show up on the GSMA curriculum sheet, it fell through the crack and never got officially approved, though it was attached to the GSMA curriculum revision passed last year. 2. Policy/Procedure. Report from subcommittee on these points: reconcile with senate and president's changes, get Paul Jackson into policy, advise us on how to get IMAP related activities oversight into our working methods. 3. ME Program Review. Brief report from subcommittee on progress and issues 4. University-wide Learning Outcomes. Brief report from subcommittee on status.  (012DES   n o   hhCJOJQJ^JaJhmh hm5 haw5hmhm5123EFG  m n   ^gd`gdgdgdm$a$gdm 21h:ph/ =!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListB^@B  Normal (Web)dd[$\$123EFGmn 000000000000000000EZ00 Z00<   8@0(  B S  ?GHKRSVGK 33332DEGno GHM (>EFW|^ff7A"Rknt GH\m K!&]n $D;%s(ADZZhZ.*>#(+<<@Kf~~ |44 SuVz  $( 3 6 8 ee } 0 H Xa c Nu x I{  c q w   ^ ~  V) ; =L u   90 AA G U >V {8EzFflY$N PXgms&1S,=E]<5p68=R|Ww8&]BsDkJOG9Vc=%O#pu|V~58g5=jQft;7NBc--26oTfg_q)xzGQ"W*59rCHet !:;@#wDsm_oU aIg*yFYXu}B I w  &!Q2!HC!J!W!%u!"$":"n>"kA"v"#e#m#r $y$z*$!U$7e$Wk$x$- %%%&%`S%s%& &0&&%U&[W&_&f&'5/'@?'dm'ps'd (1(F(MN([(gs(w(z(,E) m)%*R"***1*i6*FW*!c*( +++2+|<+N+}V+3.>o> ? ?}?(?,?S@@@3@Q@~@A|Ay)A\AaAbABrAB&B(B*BCB1oBCzPCOqCD=DeRDBmDmDnDpD_xDEREPVE#F'FjFrF,!GSGVG]G^GxGHH#H$HI@IuAI^IlI,pI\yI7)J)J#-J9JPJaJyJK KKNOKFQK`K7LeLP;LQL aLeLmLtLGMWWW3fWqW|W X X#X5X?XBNXXX}[XY2Y PQ`XG*EMV8t`-W?CXisz{+&}(*EML~_nz:GAPS_wc4S=Zh w}Jv"9+01 7\W#+h9i+1<SevIR1sFd&)'3^JTc|ee}F 2ORapsv{e5B@#OBOO8__m|*0KHbg p_y5m*"J NWtx )?X\p SigkkU 1,?^JXZBv!#9<KUb(fmxrvWwx$'9 #=8a)ii^kw`=b;Ck2A5FB6E~L}Oy[SX+_-/?doC 15<;sY7:LNG^d A#oU=".=45bKN}kx\Iw+S@VaL9M1Rb[k l48>Vw+HKTOVFd/hx"7:[KRX=kRls~ 2.pKo=nh#t_w,3.<Wjq EXn 5&: q=UY glk!m$+63<<URBTi?K[&s~/8XRX[gKrPJTPj!&2v>JqKDYqs %BMJ}s(*8N6S%_>j.E]<X'm- /[35P$^<^hhPKTxc{"*98PVaPPQCq,,09ENO}'H*Mj%-X4a&(\*H77E ,/=2:UT^`qr0Pkn# 10J] tZK5 RUUoz}$X>oL;TX~;+;J{QsU9q A0$P]m!lN|Hfo}]Y[a|G^KOeRo|U5!?Y)E *314gxy%%DTsVY!IDJn6vIy@ BLBU|71hlFkSuu f ,%I [au -nW{YZc I 9^Fiorkw8% 1JK?`l}@9p@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"1hQr˦Qr˦tt!x4d  2QHX)?m2/CURRICULUM COMMITTEE AGENDA FOR OCTOBER MEETINGpharperpharperOh+'0 $0 P \ ht|0CURRICULUM COMMITTEE AGENDA FOR OCTOBER MEETINGpharperNormalpharper2Microsoft Office Word@G@|F@|Ft՜.+,0 hp|  CMA ' 0CURRICULUM COMMITTEE AGENDA FOR OCTOBER MEETING Title  !"#$%'()*+,-/0123458;M<>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLRoot Entry F 8%$:Data  1Table$WordDocument4SummaryInformation(&DocumentSummaryInformation8.CompObjqMsoDataStore 8%$ 8%$   FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q DocumentLibraryFZVMWUHHBKPA==2 8%$ 8%$Item  =PropertiesN35FU0TDVPRK==2 8%$ 8%$Item  Properties This value indicates the number of saves or revisions. The application is responsible for updating this value after each revision. ormDocumentLibraryFormDocumentLibraryForm