ࡱ> jli%` bjbjNN @,,  , 'Z w. {D}D}D}DCDt 4Ot Y$[hC^rY:U"w::Y gY:"  {D:{D6?: 0r \F8"{DY0'Z%8^^^D?:^?:< >,/$SYY'Z::::$6 d6 Y M-I-N-U-T-E-S Curriculum Committee Friday, April 17, 2009, 11:45 AM Present: Bruce Hartman (Chair), Greg Cho, Josh Lauman, Lui Hebron, Tom Nordenholz, Britt Elliott, Ada Catino, Charlie Arms-Cartee, Steve Browne (for Sam Pecota), Doug Dawes (for Mitch Cihomsky), Steve Kreta (Non-voting), Debbie Fischer (Non-voting), and Pat Harper (Non-voting) Absent: Mindy Drake, Mitch Cihomsky, Sam Pecota, and Sandy Handel (Non-voting) Guests: Graham Benton and Paul Jackson ( The meeting was called to order by Bruce Hartman at 11:47 AM Bruce called for approval of the minutes of March 27, 2009. Britt motioned that the minutes be approved; Lui seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously 9-Yes/0-No. ( Paul Jackson stated that WASC Standard 1.2 requires all WASC accredited institutions have campus-wide student learning outcomes. The draft document was discussed. These outcomes must be included in the courses in the fall 2009 semester. What approach do we want to take? The subcommittee will work with Paul and bring it to the next meeting. ( CCR 03/09-05 ME 329 Manufacturing Processes Lab New Course Number and Revision of Prerequisites This course will now be designated as ME 429. ME 492 will be added as a co-requisite. Charlie motioned for approval; Lui seconded the motion. The vote was 8-Yes/0-No/ 1-Abstention. ( CCR 04/09-01 EGL 310 U.S. Literature of the Sea CCR 04/09-02 EGL 315 World Literature of the Sea CCR 04/09-03 HUM 101 Perspectives in Culture: The Ancient World through the Renaissance CCR 04/09-04 HUM 102 Perspectives in Culture: Post-Renaissance to the Present The former course, EGL 310 Literature of the Sea, will now be divided up into two separate courses. The two new courses, EGL 310 U.S. Literature of the Sea and EGL 315 World Literature of the Sea, will be separately offered as ELEC 22 (upper division) humanities electives. The former course, HUM 100 Humanities, will now be divided up into two separate courses. The two new courses, HUM 101 Perspectives in Culture: The Ancient World through the Renaissance and HUM 102 Perspectives in Culture: Post-Renaissance to the Present, will be separately offered as ELEC 21 (lower division) humanities electives. Tom motioned for approval; Charlie seconded the motion. The vote was 8-Yes/0-No/ 1-Abstention. ( CCR 04/09-05 NAU 335 ECDIS CCR 04/09-06 NAU 335L ECDIS LAB Due to scheduling conflicts, these two courses will be offered during both the fall and spring semesters to the junior class deck students. NAU 302 and NAU 302L will now be allowed to be taken concurrently with NAU 335 and NAU 335L. Britt motioned for approval; Ada seconded the motion. The vote was 8-Yes/0-No/1-Abstention. ( The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 27, 2009. ( The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 PM. Respectfully submitted, Pat Harper, Secretary cc: Graham Benton, Chair, Academic Senate Dr. Herman Lujan, Interim Provost & VPAA Laura Layton, Exec. Asst. to Provost & VPAA #)+23489;<=>@ACENeo|   " ? [ c Ľ|xh?[ hZ>hZ>hVxrh~K%hZ>hdh]Bh_M_hAhgZh$hAlh-Z hw@5\ h?[5\ hfZ5\ h\m5\ h$5\ h 5\ h5\ h/0s5\ hZ>5\ hQ5\ hM3z5\hM3z-#DE[   ( ~ 0B^`BgdGL 0^`gdw & F 0^gd  0gd7 0|^`|gdxM 0p|^`|gdxM$a$        = > C D F G K L M N O T | ( 4 s t v x ( ) * ͭ͹͹ j~hG 2hG 2h41^ j~hGLhGLh89hwhhJh 6Yh?*h6hW1h'uh2l{hV (hw@h"chZ>h 2h\mh$h*hm]1hshM3zhR1h=B j~h=Bhg2( ) 7 F H z #s)89:;<= 0^gdkM<  0gd'u  0gdw  0gdk_ >^`>gde >^`>gdMs  0gdG 2* + 6 7 ; > ? 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