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There was consensus that the concept of the program is a good idea, fitting the mission of the academy, and benefitting the institution, the students and the maritime industry. However there were also concerns raised as to whether the institution in particular its faculty, supporting undergraduate programs, and administrative infrastructure is ready to offer this program in Fall of 2011. Greg motioned that the Committee is now ready to vote on the endorsement of the program by the Curriculum Committee; Michele seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 6-Yes/0-No. There was consensus that the Committee should vote by mail, so that all voting members may participate. Tom will create a ballot this week and distribute it to each voting member. ( The next meeting has been changed to Monday, February 15, 2010 at 4:30 PM in TEC 144. ( The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM. Respectfully submitted, Pat Harper, Secretary cc: Steve Browne, President, Academic Senate Dr. Gerald Jakubowski, Provost & VPAA #)+4569;=DFO]gq}  r s t u v w ǽ~tmf_X hHh* hHhm]1 hHhR1 hHhdOv j~hHhdOv hHhg hHhVxr hHhy7 hHhan hHh}* hHhgZ hHhAl hHh-Z hHh3LhHhx5\hHh 5\hHh5\hHh!+5\hHh}*5\hHhM3z5\ hHhM3z"#EF s t e s t } 0h^h`gd  & F 0gd  0gd=}  0gd1  0gd7 0|^`|gdxM 0p|^`|gdxM$a$  & ' Y Z d g s t  p q  žӷӾӾӢӔxqmimqeqehHhkh hHhH h h hh hhF hh hHhq hHh1 hHh hHhd hHhFXa hHhJ hHh}* hHh6 hHhW1 hHh'u j~hHh3L hHhV ( hHh1 hHhnC hHh3L' kl 0`gdn8 0 0`  0gd'u  0gdT 0v^v`gdk & F 80vv^v`gdk  ; < N \ jklm  ɿ|u|ng`u` hHhw8 hHh\ hHhr hHhH hHhA hHh, hHhM3z jhHh3WUmHnHuhHhw5 hHhK hHhnC hHh^`> hHhO90P:p_mBP/ =!"#8$h% F 5k*<8JFIF``C : }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz?((((((+g<+/ ^:7Yg|cgN|'_i:Lj|Mo6zF H5gTӴ: h%(uCt}2 ϣ??e//O 9O#ž'ߎxP'to>xz>xe߆|]gTӼ'q~??jߎ~={|L>*74}RZw~~_1xS?o~6M#U k=/"?5߇^,rGE|-;4v M/ e#>.??闦?ǟ2u߷&1-Nj7ïfk'$^7ŞE ??fiŇ>˩WOmQE| ~i#[¤gJ%ߴ3?<9=kxSſ ǃ(|,xDf{mF?g!U6?~xĞ/_~: 67MoxNtw~F<.uY 3(~)xO 3|Jhj hߴ'|`4{/8 si./?]#lYM~6|M_QEQEyş_OZ% 0|?߈4OH Ú]lwP;>4|&W?)ig/㏎?C]7Us 7M-?ú7|q&KĿ>xO |eψ&xwYw-_G4WB kf]yWW0EWſ*/R| Q?~~ Լ3y+'|53_ 'Ũڳ\oe_?Y?=?#{tIς;t2Ŀ|Zk>σx𴱹!+~>>1?>%??沵Ӵ~*ώ ƿi~,Ӭ|UW⧂_x{O5E,vYgNcUm+ɿooAs,|`m~ßχk~ 9+BUR3k~{||?=N.~3|+MGBҾ6y/_Yj */_OOx X>|>'U[?a_i~ x|8*|+Sz/=Gu"zFgoz泧[1c6xQMCj??'p|TcgCYҼ+>+~ _xO'|S >ߴÏ Xiu%ecq~((_ | o:$d6jzLJ+X~.<3h-'xGm/uώ?^omfMM?ig/R@FC,.gL#>72?^Wվz<7i~߳u Gy{Qx&ه7OOAK+X |xƩxG eo /~3: LǾE)_4߯oMȯ? 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