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An email vote to approve this CCR was taken on 11/8/11 because Extended Learning needed to enroll students in the course before the next Curriculum Committee meeting. The course was approved 8-Yes/0-No/1-Abstension. NEW BUSINESS ( CCR 01/12-02 Law Minor Modify course requirements for minor. Tim explained what changes would take effect for students graduating in Spring 2012. Britt motioned for approval; Nipoli seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 10-Yes/0-No. ( CCR 01/12-01 TEM 810 Rapid and Slow Onset Disaster Management New Course for MSTEM (Master of Science: Transportation and Engineering Management). Donna answered the Committee members questions. Tom motioned for approval; Britt seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 10-Yes/0-No. ( CCR 01/12-03 Business Administration Minor Reduce the number of units required for the minor. Tim answered questions about the changes to the minor. Nipoli motioned for approval; Scott S. seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 10-Yes/0-No. ( Informal CCR for HUM 400 This course includes a Community Service Learning component. A sentence will be added to the HUM 400 course description in the catalog. The Marine Transportation Chair has been asked to fill out the Department Chair form since the MT students also take HUM 400. There was discussion about how some CCRs have been sent onward from the departments but then disappeared and were never seen by the Curriculum Committee. It was requested that future CCRs be sent to the Curriculum Committee Chair at the same time they are sent to the Academic Dean, and that an approval line for the Curriculum Committee chair be added to the Informal CCR form. ( GSMA Program Review - Jaya will replace Taiyo on the subcommittee. She will work with Michele and Britt. ( IBL Program Review - Tim Lynch requests that the IBL Program Review be pushed back to Fall 2012 to coincide with an external accrediting agency visit and review. ( Membership of the Curriculum Committee now that the Maritime Operations Dept. has been dissolved The Curriculum Committee suggests that the number of committee members be based on the number of faculty in the department. Charlie will speak with the Senate. ( Tim motioned for adjournment; Tom seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 12:54 PM. Respectfully submitted, Pat Harper, Secretary cc: Bill Schmid, President, Academic Senate Gerald Jakubowski, Provost & VPAA Stephen Kreta, AVP, Academics Evelyn Andrews, Registrar #,.89<=>@ABCEHJS_ix ( , D K X Y Z [ \ vo hHhdOv j~hHhdOvhDh"IU hRh&* hHh&*hOA hHhOAh>h0xh?.h 5> hHh-Zh8B hSS5\ h8B5\hHh!+5\hHh 5\hHh5\ hJO5\hHhM3z5\ hHhM3z+#IJD Y Z V W d e     0gd  0gd  0gde6 0|^`|gdxM 0gd> 0p|^`|gde6$a$\ ] |    3 ? I K L M T U V W c d e »ꩻ꛻»ꗻ׈ׄ|woh hHhiVhaUhaU5 haU5haUhqhGThl hHh1hI+hzKc hHhFXa hHhJh8B hHh6 hHhW1 hHh'uhiV hHh3L j~hHh3LhhV ( hHh1 h&*h0xh?Y hHhM3z hHhR1(e f g     ! 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