ࡱ> :<9 bjbjVV 4<< 1.0000000N2400000!*4, FU+000 1k+6t5R"t5,,,Ft5,00t" 1t5 : Curriculum Committee Agenda Friday, March 16, 2012 2:30 PM 4:30 PM Large PCR Approval of Minutes from the Last Meeting Draft minutes from Wednesday, 2/8/12 are attached. II. Old Business Informal CCR for HUM 400 Ethics The Committee needs to review the MT Department Chair Questionnaire form submitted for HUM 400 Ethics. III. New Business CCR 02/12-01 EPO 125L Introduction to Marine Engineering Lab New Course CCR 02/12-02 COM 220L Programming Applications for ET Majors Lab Delete COM 220 Programming Application for ET Majors class and add new course description for COM 220L. CCR 02/12-03 Mechanical Engineering Major, ME Option Remove requirement that students following the ME Option must take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and report their scores for graduation. CCR 02/12-04 TEM 600 Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management New course for M.S., Transportation and Engineering Management. CCR 02/12-05 TEM 800 The Global Humanitarian System New course for M.S., Transportation and Engineering Management. CCR 02/12-06 TEM 700 Systems Engineering Management New course for M.S., Transportation and Engineering Management. CCR 02/12-07 DL 200 Ship Handling Change course number to DL 400, add DL 320 Introduction to Bridge Simulation (may be taken concurrently) as a prerequisite, would become a course in the major. CCR 02/12-08 TEM 630 Port and Terminal Management New course for M.S., Transportation and Engineering Management. Outcomes and Objectives What is Cal Maritimes Strategy? Student Learning Objectives, Objectives and Outcomes how we use these terms and how we should standardize their use. 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