ࡱ> mpl bjbjVV B<< [[[[[oooo,$oSmVVVlllllllIoqxl[V4"VVVl[[u mV[[lVl&X]`iol. Z6l#m0Sm@Zcrcrl]cr[] VVVVVVVll(VVVSmVVVVcrVVVVVVVVV !: M-I-N-U-T-E-S Curriculum Committee Friday, March 16, 2012, 2:30 PM Present: Charlie Arms (Chair), Britt Elliott, Michele Van Hoeck, Tim Lynch, Jaya Punglia, Scott Green, Nipoli Kamdar, Tom Nordenholz, Jon Kassoff, Mike Tressel (Non-voting), Steve Pronchick (Non-voting), Debbie Fischer (Non-voting), and Pat Harper (Non-voting) Absent: Scott Saarheim Guests: Steve Kreta, Peter Hayes, Doug Rigg, Jon Fischer, Robbie Jackson, John Rodgers, and Pat Morris ( The meeting was called to order at 2:30 PM. Mike Tressel has replaced Sandy Handel as a non-voting member of the Curriculum Committee. ( Charlie called for approval of the minutes of February 8, 2012. Regarding HUM 400 Ethics, community service is not mandatory; students can choose to write a research paper. Scott motioned that the minutes be approved as corrected; Tom seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved, 9-Yes/0-No. OLD BUSINESS ( HUM 400 Ethics This course includes a Community Service Learning component but it is not mandatory. There was some confusion among the faculty members of the Marine Transportation Dept. so Bob Neumann will meet with them to discuss the course. NEW BUSINESS ( CCR 02/12-01 EPO 125L Introduction to Marine Engineering Lab New Course ( CCR 02/12-02 COM 220L Programming Applications for ET Majors Lab Delete COM 220 Programming Application for ET Majors class and add new course description for COM 220L. The one unit from the deleted COM 220 will be used for the new EPO 125L. Britt motioned for approval of EPO 125L and COM 220L; Tom seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 9-Yes/0-No. ( CCR 02/12-07 DL 200 Ship Handling Change course number to DL 400, add CRU 200 and CRU 200L as prerequisites, and DL 400 would become a course in the major. Scott motioned for approval; Britt seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 9-Yes/0-No. CCR 02/12-03 Mechanical Engineering Major, ME Option Remove requirement that students following the ME Option must take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and report their scores for graduation. Tim motioned for approval; Jaya seconded the motion. The vote was 8-Yes/1-No. CCR 02/12-04 TEM 600 Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management New course for M.S., Transportation and Engineering Management. CCR 02/12-05 TEM 800 The Global Humanitarian System New course for M.S., Transportation and Engineering Management. CCR 02/12-06 TEM 700 Systems Engineering Management New course for M.S., Transportation and Engineering Management. CCR 02/12-08 TEM 630 Port and Terminal Management New course for M.S., Transportation and Engineering Management. Nipoli motioned for approval of all four of the MSTEM CCRs; Britt seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 9-Yes/0-No. ( Outcomes and Objectives What is Cal Maritimes Strategy? Student Learning Objectives, Objectives and Outcomes how we use these terms and how we should standardize their use. Steve Kreta led the discussion. The Curriculum Committee decided to send this topic to the Academic Senate. ( Jaya motioned for adjournment; Tom seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 4:11 PM. Respectfully submitted, Pat Harper, Secretary cc: Bill Schmid, President, Academic Senate Gerald Jakubowski, Provost & VPAA Stephen Kreta, AVP, Academics Evelyn Andrews, Registrar #)+34789;<=>?BDMYcr    - 1 G H I _ üõyuqmqhM3zh4Nh"IU hRh&* hHh&*hqh0xh?.h 5> hHh-Zh8B hSS5\ h8B5\ hJO5\hHh!+5\hHh 5\hHh5\ h<5\hHhM3z5\ hHhM3z*#CDI ` R S  & F 0>^>g 0|^`|gdq hHh4N)t ~  1 MNXYZ[\овԮ~tpkghp hp5hDE j~hHhDEh9K j~hHhD h `hDhD hD5hhD5 j~hHhiVhiV hHhiV hy95hbIhy95 j~hHhy9hy9haUhaU5 haU5haUhqhGThlhh- hHh1' YZWXopq  0gdZ & F 0>^`>gdZ  0gd}a  0gdD  0gd  0gd  0gde6  0gdy9KLWXcdq*mXY!"8UY]^_`⭩⥡⒋hCRhK hHhK hHh^`>gd>  0gdq[  0gdpgd*  0gd* & F 0>^`>gd*`a hHhlhlhCRhO hHhw8 hHh\ hHhA hHhHhyi hHh, hHhM3z jhHh3WUmHnHuz{ 0`gde6 0>^`>gde6 0`gde6 0gde6C0P1F:pB1BP/ =!"#$% DpF 5k*<8JFIF``C : }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz?((((((+g<+/ ^:7Yg|cgN|'_i:Lj|Mo6zF H5gTӴ: h%(uCt}2 ϣ??e//O 9O#ž'ߎxP'to>xz>xe߆|]gTӼ'q~??jߎ~={|L>*74}RZw~~_1xS?o~6M#U k=/"?5߇^,rGE|-;4v M/ e#>.??闦?ǟ2u߷&1-Nj7ïfk'$^7ŞE ??fiŇ>˩WOmQE| ~i#[¤gJ%ߴ3?<9=kxSſ ǃ(|,xDf{mF?g!U6?~xĞ/_~: 67MoxNtw~F<.uY 3(~)xO 3|Jhj hߴ'|`4{/8 si./?]#lYM~6|M_QEQEyş_OZ% 0|?߈4OH Ú]lwP;>4|&W?)ig/㏎?C]7Us 7M-?ú7|q&KĿ>xO |eψ&xwYw-_G4WB kf]yWW0EWſ*/R| Q?~~ Լ3y+'|53_ 'Ũڳ\oe_?Y?=?#{tIς;t2Ŀ|Zk>σx𴱹!+~>>1?>%??沵Ӵ~*ώ ƿi~,Ӭ|UW⧂_x{O5E,vYgNcUm+ɿooAs,|`m~ßχk~ 9+BUR3k~{||?=N.~3|+MGBҾ6y/_Yj */_OOx X>|>'U[?a_i~ x|8*|+Sz/=Gu"zFgoz泧[1c6xQMCj??'p|TcgCYҼ+>+~ _xO'|S >ߴÏ Xiu%ecq~((_ | o:$d6jzLJ+X~.<3h-'xGm/uώ?^omfMM?ig/R@FC,.gL#>72?^Wվz<7i~߳u Gy{Qx&ه7OOAK+X |xƩxG eo /~3: LǾE)_4߯oMȯ? 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