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New Business CCR 01/13-01 EPO 125L Introduction to Marine Engineering Lab New course description CCR 01/13-02 BUS 405 Business Leadership and Group Dynamics Change name to Leadership and Group Dynamics, remove EGL 110, CEP 300 and EGL 300 as prerequisites CCR 01/13-03 ECO 101 Microeconomics Add MTH 100 College Algebra and Trigonometry as a new prerequisite CCR 01/13-04 ECO 305 Managerial Economics Change prerequisite from ECO 100 Macroeconomics to ECO 101 Microeconomics CCR 01/13-05 MGT 415 Operations Management Remove MGT 340 and MGT 420 as prerequisites CCR 01/13-06 MGT 420 Supply Chain Management Add MTH 107 Elementary Statistics as a new prerequisite and remove Junior Class Standing as a prerequisite CCR 01/13-07 MGT 440 Logistics Case Analysis Add MGT 420 Supply Chain Management as a prerequisite CCR 01/13-08 GMA 315 Politics of China Change course title to China and Its Neighbors and add a new course description CCR 01/13-09 GMA 102 World Regional Geography New elective course for GSMA majors CCR 01/13-10 GMA 350 Political Geography New required course for GSMA majors, replaces GMA 360 Globalization in the curriculum CCR 01/13-11 EPO 321 Introduction to Power Generation Plants New course description B.S. Electronics & Computer Engineering Technology New proposed major in the Engineering Technology Dept. presented by Terry Mancilla Differences in Terminology used by WASC and Curriculum Committee Graham Benton will present the topic. Discussion will be held at a later date. #,567GHILORSVYZabcv{   " # - . / Ҿ᳷}}v h `h\2h'hw@ hw@5 h'5hh\25hh\25 h\25hqehHX hpth^h^ h=h^hrh\2h0nh{h# h=hrhcRhoh o haJ hUaJ h'HkaJh{hraJ.,HZbc. / =  0gd$~  0gd\2 ^`gd\2 ^`gdHX ^`gd^ 8d^`gd^$a$gd2/ 0 4 6 8 9 = l | , 1 ; < = > ? B C H L h j        > A μηηӘӏh;f hm5 h;f5 h h\2 h.hldhaKhmh h<5 h.5hh. h{i5 h\25h\2 h'h$~h{ihw@h' h$~5 h'5hh$~5h$~8= >     h i JK  0gdVI  0gd;f  0gdld  0gd\2     " # + = ? 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