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The minutes were approved, 5-Yes/0-No/4 Abstentions. CCR 02/14-01 NSC 310 Naval Operations Re-number course to NSC 320 so that NSC 315 Navigation (for engineers) will become a prerequisite for the newly numbered NSC 320 Naval Operations. Informal CCR is included to change course number NSC 310L Naval Operations Lab to NSC 320L. Nipoli motioned for approval; Amy seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 9-Yes/0-No. CCR 02/14-02 MTH 210 Calculus I Replace MTH 100 Algebra/Trig requirement with MTH 210 Calculus I for MT students. After reviewing the written comments about this CCR from other departments, Britt informed the Committee that the Marine Transportation Dept. has decided that the MT students would be better served by taking MTH 205 Calculus for Business instead of MTH 210 Calculus I. He decided to table this CCR and will submit a new CCR for MTH 205. At this moment, Nael informed the Committee that even if a course, such as MTH 100 College Algebra and Trigonometry, is taken by the student prior to arrival at Cal Maritime, the CSU requires that those 4 units must be included in the 120 units. CCR 02/14-03 MTH 100 College Algebra & Trigonometry Remove MTH 100 from the ET curriculum. Freshmen ET students will be required to take MTH 100 prior to enrollment at Cal Maritime and will start their freshman year ready to take MTH 210 Calculus I. Due to the information previously provided by Nael, Mike decided to table the CCR and send it back to the Engineering Technology Dept. CCR 02/14-04 ELEC 22 Humanities Elective (Upper Division) For the MET and FET majors, drop ELEC 22 Humanities Elective (Upper Division) requirement and substitute HUM 310 Engineering Ethics to meet the CSU General Education Breadth requirements. HUM 310 would be double-counted as an ELEC 22 Humanities Elective (Upper Division). Graham Benton stated that the Culture and Communication Dept. opposes the dropping of 3 units of humanities. After much discussion, Nipoli motioned that this CCR be tabled to the next meeting so that we have time to find out how other CSU campuses are handling this same issue; Frank seconded the motion. The unanimous vote was 9-Yes/0-No. CCR 02/14-05 CRU 200S Separates the commercial cruise combined grade and sea-day count from CRU 200 and tracks sea days only. Its an accounting issue. It was decided to table this CCR. Phil will meet with the MT faculty to discuss this issue. ( The meeting adjourned at 5:38 PM. Respectfully submitted, Pat Harper, Secretary cc: Steve Browne, Chair, Academic Senate Gerald Jakubowski, Provost & VPAA Thomas Cropper, President Evelyn Andrews, Registrar #,.679:=>?ABCDFHJS`abiopq|} L b l y 輵ﮪ} hXm hXm hwC}hhhBhXm h]dhQo hHhghghQo hHhQo hrT5\ h@5\hHh!+5\hHh 5\hHh5\ h5\ hQ k5\hHhM3z5\ hHhM3z0#IJd    0`gd]yK & F 0>^`>gd]yK  0gd]yK 0^`gdrT 0^`gdQo 0p|^`|gdQo$a$       ? 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