ࡱ> CEB !bjbj>> 4TT!00000DDDD`D?6|||||WWW ? ? ? ? ? ? ?$AtD~1?0WWWWW1?00||F?KKKW0|0| ?KW ?KKR48|ДԠrmm 6>?0?6DD<88XD09WWKWWWWW1?1?jWWW?WWWWDWWWWWWWWW : Curriculum Committee Agenda Monday, April 6, 2015 3:30 5:00 PM TECH 144 Agenda and Minutes Approval of Agenda of Monday, April 6, 2015 Approval of Minutes Draft minutes from Monday, March 2, 2015 are attached. Old Business CCR 03/15-04 GMA 400 Senior Seminar I Revised course that was tabled at last meeting; needs Dept. Chair form from Library Dean, which will be provided at meeting. New Business CCR 04/15-01 DL 335 Integrated Bridge-Engine Room Watch Management New elective course. CCR 04/15-02 DL 301 Navigation Piloting Lab Revision of a former elective course that will now be required; now 1-unit STCW course that will replace 1 unit of MGT 105 Management and Organizational Behavior in the MT curriculum will provide STCW and MPM Dept. Chair forms at meeting. CCR 04/15-03 NAU 108 Operational Command at Sea New 2-unit STCW course that will replace 2 units of MGT 105 Management and Organizational Behavior in the MT curriculum will provide STCW and MPM Dept. Chair forms at meeting. CCR 04/15-04 MSC 205L Marine Biology Laboratory New elective course for the Marine Science Minor will provide S&M and MPM Dept. Chair forms at meeting. CCR 04/15-05 MSC 380 Directed Research New elective course; replaces MSC 390 in the Marine Science Minor will provide S&M Dept. Chair form at meeting. CCR 04/15-06 MSC 390 Independent Study Remove course description in catalog will provide S&M Dept. Chair form at meeting. CCR 04/15-07 NAU 420 Maritime Casualty Seminar New elective course will provide MT Dept. Chair form at meeting. CCR 04/15-08 COM 100 Introduction to Computers Revised course to create some hybrid online sections will provide S&M, MT and MPM Dept. Chair forms at meeting. CCR 04/15-09 ENG 300 Engineering Numerical Modeling and Analysis Revised course. 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