ࡱ> FHE_ bjbjCC 4)D\)D\v v $&fC6BBBBBBBBBBBB$ERH C CBB C111 BBB1B11R7;B^x'9B6C0fC9H=H<;;XH;1 C C7fCHv > :  Curriculum Committee Agenda Monday, March 7, 2016 2:30 4:00 PM TECH 144 Agenda and Minutes Approval of Agenda of Monday, March 7, 2016 Approval of Minutes of Monday, November 30, 2015 New Business CCR 03/16-07 HUM 335 Great Books New Course CCR 03/16-08 EGL 340 Multicultural Lit in America New Course CCR 03/16-09 EGL 345 Literature and the Environment New Course CCR 03/16-10 EGL 350 Literature and Technology New Course CCR 03/16-11 HUM 115 Maritime Arts New Course CCR 03/16-05 MSC 200 Oceanographic Instruments and Analysis Reduces credits from 3 to 2 units. CCR 03/16-06 MSC 200L Oceanographic Instruments and Analysis Lab Increases credits from 0 to 1 unit. CCR 03/16-01 LIB 100 Information Fluency in the Digital World Adds GE Area E designation, changes the CS number to 13 and WTU value to 2.6. Moves course from fall to spring in the GSMA curriculum. CCR 03/16-02 ET 110 Introduction to Engineering Technology Adds GE Area E designation and co-requisite ET 110L Introduction to Engineering Technology Research Lab (new course). CCR 03/16-03 ET 110L Introduction to Engineering Technology Research Lab New course, adds co-requisite of ET 110 Introduction to Engineering Technology and replaces LIB 100 Information Fluency in the Digital World in the MET and FET curriculums. CCR 03/16-04 EPO 322 Diesel Engineering II/Simulator Increases credits from 1 to 2 units in MET and ME-License Track curriculum. CCR 03/16-12 MGT 400 Strategic Management Changes CS number to 04 Lecture/Recitation, which reduces class size to 25. CCR 03/16-13 MGT 440 Logistics Cases and Analysis - Changes CS number to 04 Lecture/Recitation, which reduces class size to 25. 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