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The committee voted to table this item and use e-mail to discuss and vote on it at a latter date in the semester. (Areas of concern were possibly changing Уdistance learning courseФ to self-paced web based course, how the credits would be managed if it were offered from 1-3 credits, when would the student sign up for the course if specific modules were assigned by an instructor, and the matter of taking modules in sequence as described in the curriculum change request). 03/01-01 EPO 217 Shipboard Medical In a unanimous yes vote, the committee recommends adoption of this required 1-unit STCW course for ME and MET students. The syllabus is yet to be prepared. 03/01-02 ET 250L Electrical Circuits Lab In a unanimous yes vote, the committee recommends adoption of this new lab course that separates the lab from the lecture and assigns 3 credits to ET 250 (lecture) and 1 credit to ET 250L (lab) effective the next catalog. 03/01-03 ET 350L Electrical Machinery Lab In a unanimous yes vote, the committee recommends adoption of this new lab course that separates the lab from the lecture and assigns 3 credits to ET 350 (lecture) and 1 credit to ET 350L (lab) effective the next catalog. 03/01-04 ET 370L Electronics Lab (replaces ET 451; ET 450 will become ET 370; number change) In a unanimous yes vote, the committee recommends changing the course number and adoption of this new lab course that separates the lab from the lecture and assigns 3 credits to ET 370 (lecture) and 1 unit to 370L (lab) effective the next catalog. 03/01-05 NAU 310L Electricity and Electronics Lab In a unanimous yes vote, the committee recommends changing the course number and adoption of this new lab course that separates the lab from the lecture and assigns 3 credits to NAU 310 (lecture) and 1 unit to NAU 310L (lab) effective the next catalog. Page 2, Curriculum Committee Minutes, March 27, 2001 03/01-06 HIS 350?? A History of Technology in America In a unanimous yes vote, the committee recommends adoption of this new 3-unit elective course effective the next catalog. (Check with Debbie on course number) It will count toward meeting a Social Science elective, but not the state graduation requirements for U.S. Constitution, California state and local governments, and Cal MaritimeТs history/government elective). NOTE: Prerequisites for this course are any one of the three listed; it should read HIS 100, HIS 101, or HIS 200. 03/01-07 EPO 324 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning for QMED In a unanimous yes vote, the committee recommends adoption of this new 3- unit course for QMED students only effective the next catalog. 03/01-08 EPO 325 QMED Fundamentals In a unanimous yes vote, the committee recommends adoption of this new 3-unit required course for QMED students effective the next catalog. The February 27, 2001 minutes were approved. NOTE: This was the last meeting of the Curriculum Committee for the 2000-2001 academic year. Respectfully submitted, Albert T. Perkins, Recorder CC: Dr. Bunny Paine-Clemes, President, Academic Senate Dr. Jay Christofferson, Vice President, Academic Affairs S@\'  6 ! c d y ~ й ы  Ч ╛ · ■ FKL┌Ў╟╚¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤5Б"1IRSгмн┼╞-.Г╥bп∙67Д╚√№E√°°°ЎЎЁЁЎЎыЎцЁЁЁЁЁЁЎсЁЁЎ▄ & F & F & F & FД╨Д╨$д1IRSгмн┼╞-.Г╥bп∙67Д╚√№EО█ T Э ъ   d б х 1 t u ├  S Ь к л р с т . s ╡   JТ▄LС╨╤ZДЕ▓│012TUО╚¤·ўЇёюышхт▀▄           MEО█ T Э ъ   d б х 1 t u ├  S Ь к л р с т . s ∙∙∙ўЄ∙∙∙ўэ∙∙∙∙ўш∙∙∙∙∙ў∙ўу∙ & F  & F  & F  & FД╨Д╨s ╡   JТ▄LС╨╤ZДЕ▓│012TUО╚∙∙∙∙∙∙ўЄ∙∙ўэ∙∙ўш∙ўўўўўўўўў & F & F  & F Д╨Д╨░╨/ ░р=!░"░#Ра$Ра%░ [(@ё (NormalCJmH <A@Є б<Default Paragraph Font.■O.AlTitle $дЁ5Б*■O*AlList1  & F*■O*AlList2  & F*■O"*AlList3  & F╚      ╚ Es ╚ ╚ k q Ч е ╩ J M ╓ ╫ ▄ т _ g ~ Ж ╩   Albert Perkins2C:\windows\TEMP\AutoRecovery save of Document1.asdAlbert Perkins=C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\Curriculum Committee\Minutes 3 27 01.doc│M(Ap╡вн  <ж$  ╫Aў$  │▀%  ц`,t DєKi╢4  ▒8  (e1N  йR \uьV5[  DL^  d'Xa  ┌╥w  ДpД0¤╞po(. 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