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Students: Mitchell Kobayashi, Tegan Church, Andrew Leonard, Dana Conrad, Will Lindsey, Alexander Collins An ATOD attendees group meeting was recommended to coordinate before attending Ian and Mitchell plan to submit a proposal to present a poster at the ATOD conference on the topic of the process of revising the alcohol policy. Aware Awake Alive Orientation and Training report Review of event at Chancellors Office that was attended by Mitchell, Steve, Ian and Alexandra Castillo (a PHE) Highlights: Multimedia toolkit was a highlight of the resources available, which is accessible through the web site (awareawakealive.org). Questions about who customizes the materials and if there is funding from the CO. Overview of how the program was started by the parents of a Cal Poly freshman who died in 2008 from alcohol poisoning in his freshman year during a fraternity initiation. Ian and Mitchell met following the event to discuss implementation: Standardized alcohol presentation for the RAs that they will receive during training and then deliver during 1st month of the fall semester (Mitchell) O-week alcohol education by PHEs including interactive event possibly involving MADD car crash and/or AAA art and education display. Location on the Quad (PHEs) Discussion about past PHE O-week presentation being interactive as well as misinformation from PHE on a separate occasion (which included it being a learning experience for the PHE). Cruise and International Experience preparation (Ian) Updates from Subcommittees Alcohol Policy Copies of draft Policy provided. Overview of the organization of the policy was provided Clarified that the policy complies with the requirements of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Discussion of the section on permitting drinking in certain Residence Halls Discussion with stakeholders, including RAs, who were reported to have strong feelings but to be split about the issue. CORRECTION (3/20/2014 from Kate Kimble: The RAs are not split on the issue- more than 2/3 of the staff is not in favor of this, and the majority of those few who are will not be RAs next year, and those opinions are much less impactful than the RAs who will be forced to enforce this policy) Students generally, including ASCMA, were largely in support of the change Administration and enforcement of the policy was the biggest concern raised. This included Franks comments via email. Note that not just RAs but all students/cadets are responsible for enforcement Questions raised about bystander intervention (comparison drawn between not reporting grooming violations, so why would we expect them to report alcohol violations) Emphasis was on promoting responsible use, which related to increasing respect for students as adults. The assumption being that treatment with respect would lead to harm reduction. Multiple notes that the status quo is that drinking is occurring, so something needs to be changed. Opening up the res halls to alcohol not to include TSGB or freshman res halls. Questions raised about easier accessibility to alcohol for minors when not a dry campus. Monitoring: Lower res is difficult to monitor. McAllister is easier. 3rd floor was proposed as where to allow alcohol. Questions raised about data: What percentage of violations in res halls are of students under 21 vs. 21 and over. What % of students living in res halls are over 21? Kudos to Mitchell for a well-written and organized draft policy In addition or instead of res halls: idea raised of a separate place on campus where drinking would be allowed (e.g., pub, current location). Questions raised about paying for police services to be present. Questions raised about research on previous transitions from dry ( wet campus Recommendation on broadening the conversation about changes in alcohol policy and campus culture. To include discussion of various campus groups rather than a top-down approach and implementation. This blends into the policy change being programming and education in nature as well. Programming and Education No separate subgroup meeting since previous committee meeting. Request for student members to join the subgroup that has shrunk in size Conduct and Merit All-Hands Meeting about responsible alcohol use held in Rizza for all Cruise and International Experience Participants. Led by Interim Commandant Palin Wykoff This also included student testimonials about how alcohol negatively affected their past cruise or intl exp trip. Discussion included notes about the gangway policy and economic impact for students who must redo cruise or Intl Exp. Changeover update Pre-Changeover event on campus is being discussed. To include: Buss ride to event location and appetizer hour before the bus that will include cheese, non-alcoholic drinks. This is a harm reduction approach that will be affordable, extend time without consuming alcohol, and add food to reduce effects of prior alcohol consumption. Questions about the responsibility of campus Police during the pre-bus ride event. Notes about this event being a nice touch to the Changeover event overall. Distributed Motivated to Moderate Flyer promoting a hard reduction group on Fridays at 11:30am in ABS for students to attend. Led by Dr. Wallace from CAPS. Meeting adjourned shortly after 1:30pmAction Items Ian Recruit more student members (PHE, ATOD attendees, and Brian Edmiston) Everyone Send individual feedback on policy to Mitchell and Deborrah Ian Schedule group meeting for ATOD attendees Ian Request data from Roger Scranton: What percentage of violations in res halls are of students under 21 vs. 21 and over? What percentage of students in res halls are over 21? (Kate Kimble) Ian gather research on dry ( wet campus Future Issues/Goals Update on new student membership Further revisions of Alcohol Policy AlcoholEdu data from fall 2013 and longitudinal trends. ATOD Conference proposal update Next meeting: 3/19/2014 at 12:30pm in the Topp Room Date: 3/19/2014 Location: Topp Room Time: 12:30pm Attendees: Dana Conrad, Brian Edmiston, Kate Kimble, Mitchell Kobayashi, Stephen Kreta, William Lindsey, Billie Munds, Christine Smith, Michael Walker, Jeff Ward, Bruce Wilbur, Ian Wallace (Chair) Members absent: Deborrah Hebert, Donna Nincic, Frank SmithAgenda approved. No additions. New members introduced (Brian Edmiston, William Lindsey, Dana Conrad) and group members introduced themselves as well. Updates from Subcommittees Alcohol Policy: Draft revisions recently sent to Dean Hebert for review. Recent version includes edits to sanctions, including an appendix listing sanctions that was expanded based on NCHERM list of alcohol sanctions. Clarification was made that the revisions to the policy are to the student section of the overall policy. This distinction is important because it affects few stakeholders on campus. Request to identify stakeholders whom the committee may want to hear from: RAs, Faculty (request for Donna Nincic to reach out), and Peer Health Educators (Ian to reach out) Shared copies with the group of the poster presentation that Ian and Mitchell created for the CSU ATOD conference on April 3&4 (Note: only a total of 6 posters were accepted for the conference). The poster has been submitted for printing and is scheduled to arrive before the conference. Programming and Education The Friday before Changeover Dance there will be a Student-driven pledge targeting designated driving, increasing awareness and knowledge of alcohol intoxication. There will also be a prize raffled. Recommendations were made to not be preachy and instead use a harm reduction approach. On April 17 there will be a luau event co-sponsored by the Asian Pacific Islander student group and the Unity Council where a health promotion tabling event will be held in or near the designated beer garden area. Programming is focused on targeting events where there is likely to be alcohol consumption. Additional ideas were shared regarding alcohol abuse prevention: Breathalyzer for awareness and education at the Luau beer garden (as well as promoting a mobile application for BAC and information that students can access via their cell phones) target underage and of age students Pan-Hellenic/Greek Life-style create your own mocktail competition could be applied to CMA based on student groups, divisions, etc. Potential Fall 2014 event Cruise 1 alcohol event announced: Alcohol Jeopardy hosted by Christine and John Buchanan from Housing. Suggestion was also made that ASCMA could contribute funds to support similar alcohol prevention efforts for cruise. Effective promotion and marketing were discussed: Important to make an emotional appeal with real life stories from students. This includes the MADD car crash on the quad in the fall 2014 (possibly during O-week). Student testimonials while on cruise (similar to those made to the prep sessions for International Experience students). Suggestion was made to video tape these talks so to capture the emotion of the moment and to use in future events. Consideration was given to not having these testimonials make light of the alcohol event or minimize the impact. Suggestion was made to provide taxi and bus information for students prior to changeover dance. Student perspective that the more strict rules for changeover and the bus service available may be deterring students from using this mode of transportation. Further discussion about this included mixed stories from students related to responsible and less responsible decisions regarding alcohol use and the changeover dance. Perspective was given that current rules are helpful and lessen the negative alcohol-related incidents from past changeover dances. Conduct and Merit / Subcommittee / Data Update AlcoholEdu data prematriculation data from the past 4 years was provided in a handout. Overview of the data was provided and specific data points were highlighted (location of use, trends: e.g., lower use compared to national averages prior to matriculation but above average use among current cadets). AlcoholEdu summary to be sent to the group. Note was made that different forms of data are necessary to have a better picture of how alcohol is used and its effects. Enforcement of alcohol policies (current and future) Housing considerations: staffing of RAs, budgetary (extra 40K), multiple entrances to buildings, RAs should not be the only enforcers Suggestion was made that Housing can coordinate with IT to program certain doors to be locked during certain hours, thus allowing for a single entrance checkpoint in Upper Res and McAllister. Consideration of what the procedures are for RAs during rounds and whether they would be the same for staffing a checkpoint. Note was made that student leadership training will work to improve communication between groups and inform one another about respective activities and procedures. Question was raised about addressing student use of marijuana, monitoring and enforcement E-cigarettes were also raised as a concern and Housing is currently attempting to regulate them for next year in the same way that cigarettes are regulated. Action Items Ian Reach out to PHEs for feedback on draft and being included in the draft revision process. Donna Reach out to faculty for input on revised alcohol policy and process. Ian Send AlcoholEdu executive summary to the group ATOD Subgroup Attend conference Future Issues/Goals Further revisions of Alcohol Policy ATOD Conference debriefing Next meeting: 4/16/2014 at 12:30pm in ABS 102  Date: 4/16/2014 Location: ABS 102 Time: 12:30pm Attendees: Deborrah Hebert, Dana Conrad, William Lindsey, Kate Kimble, Christine Smith, Jeff Ward, Bruce Wilbur, Dr. Ron Fischer (guest) Members absent: Stephen Kreta, Billie Munds, Donna Nincic, Frank Smith, Brian Edmiston, Mitchell Kobayashi, Michael Walker, Ian Wallace (Chair) Agenda approved. No additions. ATOD meeting roundup. D. Conrad and W. Lindsey spoke about the ATOD meeting highlights and how they might related to CMA: Gacho FYI program- at UCSB, all first year students participate in peer led training about safety issues including alcohol risk reduction, bike helmets, sexual safety, etc. Four ninety-minute sessions with about 20 students. Discussion that this might be well received by CMA students as opposed to more lecture type education events. Bystander Intervention training. Discussion that student leaders perceive this as being needed at CMA. Aware, awake, alive. Discussion that free tools are available for customizing posters etc., can be tailored to CMA. UC Irvine Alcohol Responsibility/Hospitality process. Program includes learning how much to pour for a one drink serving with different alcohol types, as the on-campus serving size was larger than standard. Discussion that the how much to pour could be a good program at CMA. Channel Islands. Legal-age, on-campus residents can participate in an on-line training and get a certificate as part of the process to be able to drink in their residence. E-Cigarette Use- Presentation about E-Cigarette basics. Discussion of e-cigarette use and tobacco use at CMA, smoking areas, enforcement challenges, possible CSU system policy, and challenges of higher tobacco use at CMA. Question re: name of alcohol advisory committee vs. ATOD. Will need to check regarding name and mission. Other topics to be reviewed at next meeting when other ATOD attendees present and/or after ATOD debrief. Update from subcommittees Alcohol Policy Subcommittee- no interim report. Discussion regarding student concerns that an impactful student alcohol policy is challenging if some Fac/Staff on Cruise model unhealthy alcohol behavior. Discussion of working towards all of campus community looking at current or emerging maritime industry standards and aiming for those collectively as a campus community. Programming and education subcommittee- Drawing started prior to changeover dance- Pledge to not drink and drive, ends at Luau. Gift cards as prizes. Chris and John Buchanan working on Cruise alcohol ed activities. Discussion that non-alcoholic day trips on cruise continue to be a good idea and have been well received in the past. Conduct and Merit subcommittee. No report. Tabled until next meeting.Action Items Group- Please send any suggestions about the committee for next year to Dr. Wallace by email. 2014 CSU ATOD meeting group- debrief meeting planned soon. Future Issues/Goals Next meeting: Fall 2014 Date: Location: Time: Attendees: Members absent:  Action Items Ian Future Issues/Goals Next meeting:      CAL MARITIME Alcohol Advisory Committee Minutes Page  PAGE 7 of  NUMPAGES 10 $23>    Y  I O @ L !ɾ՘xhChCH*h;ch-ZhC>*hP?hCh-Zh-ohP5CJaJhY[hY[hY[5CJaJhY[hDECJaJhY[hY[CJaJhY[hDE5CJaJh-ohY[5CJaJhDE5CJaJhY[5CJaJh-ohDE5CJaJ/$23  Kkd$$Ifl0$. :  t0644 lapytsd$IfgdY[d$Ifgd-o Y  @ L !K & F $IfgdC & F $IfgdC & F $IfgdC & F $IfgdY[ & F $IfgdY[JK9Tcit#pZiy!}0\s#>~ xyduvyŽhDECJaJhICJaJhI jhP?h*h*H*hP?h hRB* phI}hRh-Zh*hY[hCh;cFK9Tc#pZ!}0 & F $IfgdR & F $Ifgd* & F $Ifgd* & F $IfgdY[ & F $IfgdY[ & F $IfgdC & F $Ifgd;c0#>~ydv$e & F $IfgdI & F $IfgdY[ & F $IfgdY[ & F $IfgdP? & F $IfgdY[ & F $Ifgd*y#$e   ( ) * 6 7 = !!!yqf]]Rh*h*CJaJh*5CJaJhChCCJaJhCCJaJhC5CJaJhP?hP?CJaJhP?5CJaJhP?hY[5CJaJhY[CJaJhY[5CJaJh-ohDE5>*CJaJh-oh-o5>*CJaJh-ohDECJaJh-oh-oCJaJh-oh CJaJhICJaJh CJaJe ) * 7 !!sbPPPPP & Fd$Ifgd-o$d$Ifa$gd-ojkd$$Ifl$h% t0644 layt-o & Fd$Ifgd  & F $Ifgd 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