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Housing MT department (Powell, Elliot, Messer) Rugby Coach Steven Hiatt Others: Josie Alexander (Student Activities Coordinator), Charlie Wiswall (ASCMA VP of Programming) Event / Activity planning Targeting at risk groups Data and anecdotes identify MT major and student-athletes (e.g., Mens Rugby) Flyer or pamphlet about consequences of drinking, including legal, health, financial, USCG and others Distribute at tabling events Importance of alternatives to drinking on weekends. Ex: ACE and ARC previously held weekly events on weekends. Group drug and alcohol counseling for students starts this Wednesday, Sept 30th at 11:30am (see flyer) and the  HYPERLINK "/web/health-services/fall-2015-groups-and-workshops" CAPS web site for more info.Action Items Ian to invite new members Natalie to draft letter to ARC and ACE Christine to gather templates for alcohol consequences flyer/brochure Future Issues/Goals  Date: 10/14/15 Location: Topp Room Time: 4-5pmAttendees: Angeli Acosta, Josie Alexander, Jon Berg, Dana Conrad, James Dalske (invited Guest), Ginger Edwards, Roberta Gray, Ruby Grover, Natalie Laconsay, , Christine Smith, Ian Wallace, Bruce Wilbur Members absent: Pam Cherry, Susan Foft, Steve Kreta, Dan Lintz, Roseann Richard, Roger Scranton, Michael Walker, Jeff Ward,1600- Dr. Wallace opened meeting. Roberta volunteered to take meeting minutes. 1605- Cadet John Berg asked to describe function goals and focus of the ATOD committee. Ian Wallace suggested adding summary of a meeting today with Solano county ATOD representative. Josie Alexander requested to add summary of Halloween event planning. 1610- Approved and seconded agenda. 1612- Christine Smith mentioned making headway on the smoking issue on campus and on the ship. 1615- Introduced new members: John Berg 4C MT Cadet, Ruby Grover Housing and Residential Life Coordinator. Former Student, Josie Alexander ASCMA Student Activities Director 1618- James Dalske spoke about recent incidents regarding alcohol on campus. Since school started there have been 16 alcohol incidents. Up from last year at this time (14 incidents). Three hospital transports and one incarceration. One DUI. Last weekend was the first weekend without an incident. Looking into ways to reduce drinking or limit drinking on campus to demonstrate it can be done responsibly. It still cannot be done in the residential halls.Increased penalties for alcohol-violations include purchasing/supplying for underage students, knowledge of underage drinking without reporting, 1625- Cadet Conrad said that students do not know their limits. They might try having an event of pouring shots to demonstrate the amount of alcohol they are drinking, emphasizing the importance of knowledge and awareness. 1627- Christine Smith spoke about notifying parents about alcohol issues. Some parents are unaware that there is such a thing as alcohol poisoning. 1628- Ian Wallace stated that all fourth class students are educated on the subject of alcohol via o-week presentations, online module requirements, ELDP semester presentations. 1630- James Dalske stated that there is a clear policy on alcohol violations that are stated in the student handbook. He also stated that medical transports were initiated by students approaching RHOs concerned about an intoxicated student. 1631- Natalie Laconsay and Cadet Conrad spoke about making more events and transportation available to limit transportation. Dalske stated that there was a lack of interest in the events and others discussed the difficulty attracting students to events as a deterrent to alcohol use. Day on the bay and spirit week activities were noted to correlate with no alcohol incidents this past weekend, as was the API club Luau last year. 1635- Discussion of ways to reduce alcohol use: James Dalske described how calling parents following underage alcohol violations or alcohol medical transports is allowable and implemented at Cal maritime as another deterrent. Public Shaming was also suggested, including the possibility of listing alcohol violations publically. Questions were raised about the implications of this despite the legal right to publish this information (similar to other academies). Suggestion was also made to have a former cadet who experienced alcohol-problems come to speak to students during o-week. Angeli suggested that presentations be done in 20min bursts of information and activity rather than 1-2 hour long formats. This will sustain attention and increase retention of information. Ian suggested environmental changes such as sign-in/check-in desks for residence halls after hours where they can look for signs of intoxication and also check bags to reduce influx of alcohol in residence halls. 1650- Josie shared that Student Activities is planning events for Haloween weekend to provide alternatives to drinking. Natalie shared that she and other students are planning a fall dance in November as an alternative to drinking. Action Items Everyone send Ian your specific prevention strategies for alcohol use. Due Oct 23rd Ian compile suggested prevention strategies and draft a letter to James Dalske with the committees recommendations. Send to committee for revisions and send to the committee to vote to approve via email. Ian On 10/15 reached out to Commandant Office and Police Services requesting representation at future meetings. Future Issues/Goals Next meeting: Tuesday November 10, 4-5pm, Topp Room Deliver prevention suggestions to James Dalske by Nov 1 Date: 11/10/2015 Location: Topp Room Time: 4pmAttendees: Angeli Acosta, Josie Alexander, Jon Berg, Dana Conrad, Ginger Edwards, Roberta Gray, Christine Smith, Ian Wallace, Members absent: Pam Cherry, Susan Foft, Ruby Grover, Steve Kreta, Natalie Laconsay, Dan Lintz, Roseann Richard, Roger Scranton, Michael Walker, Jeff Ward, Bruce WilburNote taker of minutes today: Ian volunteered Items to add to todays agenda: Dana added Thrift shop dance prevention planning considerations Approve agenda: approved Updates and discussion of alcohol incidents and activities on campus since last meeting 1 additional transport (7 total), overall alcohol violations similar to last year Ian provided updated information since last meeting. Suggestions were made about alcohol incidents not necessarily being counted because of the 2-3 week adjudication process. Suggestions were also made that because of midterms and academic demands students may be spending more time studying Summary of Memo to VP Kreta and vote Vote postponed due to lack of quorum. Discussion of memo included concern for mandatory Friday formation suggestion (incentivizing formation instead, e.g., no alcohol violations = formation off); broaden activities list to including housing and ASCMA activities; add names of committee members to the letter Ian to make adjustments and send to committee for a public vote via email. Report on the Solano County ATOD Prevention Collaborative (Angeli and Ian) Ian and Angeli attended the meeting earlier today. County atod meeting included representatives from prevention, treatment, policy, law enforcement, and education segments of the county. Information and resources provided to the group regarding powered alcohol as well as new retailers obtaining alcohol licenses (Starbucks and taco Bell). Legislative updates also discussed (previously sent to our committee via email), including medical marijuana dispensary legislation in Vallejo recently passed (last in the county) that also allows 18-20 year olds to work in these establishments. Benefits include collaboration, awareness of information and community efforts. Community ATOD opportunity: Wednesday Nov 18 330-530: Vallejo Community Change Coalition's (VCCC) , @ Fighting Back Partnership (505 Santa Clara St., 3rd Floor of the JFK Library in Vallejo) Food provided Members interested in attending include: Natalie, Jon, Ruby, Susan, Josie, Angeli Ian reached out to VCCC contacts to see if they can accommodate 6 of our members. Ian to confirm with members once hearing from VCCC representative. Announcements Countywide Prescription Drug Take Back event (see flyer and email) State and local legislation update Vallejo marijuana ordinance update on October 27th, the City Council voted 5-1 (Mayor Davis opposed and Councilmember Dew-Costa absent) on its second reading and adopted an ordinance (amending Section 7.100.070 E) allowing 18 to 20 year olds to become employees and volunteers at Medical Marijuana Dispensaries.  HYPERLINK "http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB216" AB216 - (Garcia D, Bell Gardens) Prohibits sales of vapor products to minors  HYPERLINK "http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB768" AB768 - (Thurmond D, Richmond) Prohibits smokeless tobacco at Major League Baseball ballparks News and information Powered alcohol Starbucks and Taco Bell to start serving alcohol Open Discussion Policy to prevent vaping clubs. Suggested that ASCMA may not use state funds for ATOD. Unclear whether this applies to vaping and ecigarettes. Interest in CSU smoke-free policy at cal maritime. Discussion about approach including policy recommendation to VP Kreta as well as similar memo for alcohol changes (including recommendations: also applied to faculty and staff, better enforcement by campus police; TSGB considerations, smoking cessation support, better signage on campus). Dana to start memo draft. Jon, Chis and Ian to contribute. Josie shared how ATOD committee previously had a grant from the CSU for programing. Ian shared that he has not heard about this in his 2+ years as the campus ATOD contact for the campus. Thrift shop formal: November 20th, 7-11 at the Moose Lounge in Vallejo. Sponsored by ASCMA. 3 buses to transport students. Protocol follows changeover dance. Suggested pre-event idea includes Mayo hall from 5-7, with music, food, and photo booth. Groups to sponsor the event include PHE and Housing Ian suggests that future events and dances build in funding for pre-events that are alcohol-free (2-3% of the budget)Action Items Dana Begin draft of memo for reducing tobacco on campus draft. Jon, Chis and Ian to contribute. Ian inquire with CSU about grants for ATOD funding Ian reach out to housing about pre-event for thrift shop formal Future Issues/Goals Next meeting: Wednesday Dec 2 at 4pm in the Topp Room Date: December 2, 2015 Location: Topp Room Time: 4pmAttendees: Attendees: Ginger Edwards, Christine Smith, Natalie Laconsay, Susan Foft, Ian Wallace Members absent: Angeli Acosta, Dana Conrad, Jon Berg, Josie Alexander, Pam Cherry, Roberta Gray, Ruby Grover, Steve Kreta, Dan Lintz, Roseann Richard, Roger Scranton, Michael Walker, Jeff Ward, Bruce WilburIntro and welcome: limited membership at meeting therefore formality of meeting was less and voting was not conducted due to lack of quorum. Welcomed guests from Fighting Back Partnerships in Vallejo Dante De La Cerna and Mark Mora who work on ATOD matters at the city and county levels. Recent efforts have focused on medical marijuana dispensaries legislation and tobacco prevention Discussion of alcohol concerns on campus recent reports Perception of fewer incidents in the past month, greater safe drinking practices at parties among senior cadets, and the possibility of athletic teams being out of town (Rugby) as a factor that reduces problems related to drinking. Collaborations between Cal Maritime and Vallejo community were noted, including community engagement office past years that had a program of tutoring at the Harbor Park Community Center. JoEllen Myslik currently heads the outreach efforts for community engagement. Ian provided an update to the alcohol prevention memo submitted to VP Kreta VP Kreta responded through Dr. Bruce Wilbur that he is open to exploring the possibility of the BASICS program: described the program in brief and discussed how it could be best implemented, including who to train and conduct the 2-3 sessions. VP Kreta floated the idea of the Commandants, however, the group had reservations about this not being collaborative or supportive in nature. Also discussed the possibility of opening this training up to staff and faculty (even student leaders), similar to hearing board participants. Limitations of a small campus require creative exploration of solutions without health educators and health staff to provide this additional service. Budget questions and models from other campuses were also raised. Residence hall check-ins: acknowledgment of barriers in housing and in other departments to implementing this. Need to identify models of how it works at other schools and what the outcomes are. Brief acknowledgment of tobacco prevention memo completed by Dana and a request for feedback via email Ian discussed contacting individual ATOD members and securing intent to participate next semester, which is an effort spurred by low attendance this semester. Action Items Ian contact health educators at other schools to gather information about implementation of BASICS Ian research residence hall check-in desks models Christine Contact housing and inquire about the barriers to implement check-in desks in residence halls All Send feedback to Ian on tobacco prevention memo Ian contact members to request participation and commitment for committee in the spring semester Future Issues/Goals Next meeting: next semester and TBD Date: 1/12/16 Location: Topp Room Time: 4pmAttendees: Natalie Laconsay, Roger Scranton, Ginger Edwards, Bruce Wilbur, Christine Smith, Michael Walker, Ruby Grover, Tom Hart, Jim Gutierrez, Tom Oppenheim, Ian Wallace Members absent: Jon Berg, Dana Conrad, Angeli Acosta, Josie Alexander, Steve Kreta, Roberta GrayB.Wilbur, Notetaker. Agenda Approved. New Business Discussion that the number of alcohol incidents appears to be average but that the number of alcohol poisoning transports is up. Discussion that plans are being worked on to do something different this year for the incoming class. Group discussed whether increased awareness of alcohol poisoning led to more transports. Sargent Hart described that breathalyzer readings on scene compliment visual observations. Students who are in jeopardy are the ones transported. For other students not needing medical evaluation, sometimes monitoring in own room is an appropriate option. Ideas for the future include offer repeated alcohol education programs and review consequences at Cal Maritime for alcohol violations. Older cadets may also be an important resource for helping new students avoid alcohol misadventures. Also consider developing a proposal to earmark funds for alcohol education related to Changeover Dance. Failed drug tests are up, though some of the failed tests are due to attempts at falsifying tests. Old Business Review of BASICS program discussed at a previous meeting. (Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students). Evidence based program being considered for use at Cal Maritime. BASICS is used as a prevention tool for students who have experience alcohol related problems or have risk factors. It consists of two sessions (one on one with a trained BASICS counselor) over 3 months, with on online survey take after the first session. The program costs several thousand dollars to set up, but less to maintain. Housing related alcohol policies. One previous idea was to have a check in area in housing so that anyone entering would have to go through a staffed check in entry location. This is standard in many college residence halls. Difficult at Cal Maritime due to cost (staffing) and physical layout of the various residence halls. Tobacco updates. Discussion that vaping is common and should be treated like smoking. Helpful if Fac/Staff set an example. CSU system supposed to be going smoke free at some point, but date unknown so hard to plan for our campus being completely smoke free. Action Items Orientation week changes for alcohol education. B.W. to check and see what info is known at this point. Steps towards being a smoke/vaping free campus. C. Smith and M. Walker. Drug test awareness. Check into cumulative data over several semesters. B. Wilbur. Email to follow: getting more student members. I.Wallace. Future Issues/Goals Next meeting:  Date: 2/9/2016 Location: Topp Room Time: 4pmAttendees: Dana Conrad, Natalie Laconsay, Roger Scranton, Josie Alexander, Christine Smith, Michael Walker, Ruby Grover, Tom Hart, Donnie Gordon, Jim Gutierrez, Tom Oppenheim, Ian Wallace Members absent: Jon Berg, Angeli Acosta, Ginger Edwards, Steve Kreta, Bruce Wilbur, Roberta GrayNote taker for minutes today: Sergeant Thomas Hart Items to add to todays agenda: 2016 Change Over Approve agenda: Approved Old Business: 2(b) Steps towards being a Smoke/Vaping free campus: 2(a) Orientation Week Changes 2(c) Drug Test Awareness 2(b) Christine Smith, addressed the meeting in regards to the CMA Campus Wide smoking ban proposal. Implementing a campus wide Smoking Ban or Tobacco Free has taken other universities 6-12 moths from proposal to implementation. CSU has a pre-designed smoke-free policy application that CMA could utilize if necessary. Conversation included conducting a campus wide survey or petition regarding the viability of implementing a tobacco free campus. Other universities have spent $50,000 in an effort to implement a tobacco free environment. Dr. Wallace stated that he would gather data in regards to smoking within the Corp of Cadets, as they transformed from freshmen, sophomores etc; Christine Smith further added that the Solano County Health Department had numerous Anti-Smoking campaigns that the campus could use if needed. 2(a)-Dr. Wallace initiated the conversation on Orientation Week. Topics included additional alcohol education awareness throughout the semester. Housing has had several Social Educational Training regarding alcohol and its impact on students. Outreach to students, staff and faculty could also include speakers from groups like MADD. Dr. Wallace stated that he would make contact with MADD and explore the possibility of having them make a presentation campus in the future. 2(c) Michael Walker stated that they have had several Refusals to Comply during this semester. The Cadets are failing the Temp Test. Cont- Change Over: This years event will be held at the Miratage Resort & Spa in Napa on Saturday, March 12th. Ten buses have been reserved. CMPD stated that they will conduct Saturation Patrols with Vallejo PD and Solano County SO in the area of South Vallejo on March 12th. Attendees will be screened for alcohol consumption when they leave CMA and when they return. CMA Students Association is looking into providing designated drivers for Change Over. New Business: 3(a) The Buzz. Dr. Wallace is spear heading this relevant campus level alcohol education/prevention program. 1700-End of Meeting Action Items Ian Ian to reach out to PHEs and Angeli Acosta about possible petition or other efforts to measure student attitudes toward tobacco-free campus Ian gather, analyze and report back on NCHA data relevant to tobacco-free campus campaign Christine look into timeline and $$ for a tobacco-free campus campaign Police services to conduct saturation patrols, with Vallejo PD as well, the night of Changeover Dance Natalie summarize efforts to inform students about efforts to prevent alcohol misuse the night of changeover and share with ASCMA to promote (efforts include: Uber notice, Saturation patrol, monitoring students who get on and off the busses, food and games before the event, etc) Ian make progress son orientation week planning, including planning for monthly programming in fall and spring (rather than solely in orientation week), emotional appeals (MADD speakers, alumni network, other external speakers) Others work with ASCMA to consider DD program or coordination Future Issues/Goals Next meeting: Tuesday March 8th at 4pm in the Topp Room Date: 3/18/16 Location: Topp Room Time: 4-5Attendees: Dana Conrad, Natalie Laconsay, Jon Berg, Roger Scranton, Josie Alexander, Christine Smith, Ginger Edwards, Bruce Wilbur, Ruby Grover, Tom Hart, Jim Gutierrez, Tom Oppenheim, Ian Wallace Members absent: Angeli Acosta, Steve KretaNo items added to Agenda Agenda. Accepted Previous ATOD minutes approved. Newest member Mr. Shields, left just after beginning of meeting for emergency on the Ship. Old Business: Changeover dance: Have people ready to go to chaperone busses for changeover. DUI checkpoint will be setup in area. Expected attendees are very low, approx. 200., past numbers at this time was approx.. 600. ATOD communication to changeover includes message that caring for friends means keeping them safe when intoxicated, not concealing unsafe drinking. Smoke Free Campus (SFC) Chris: Reiterated CSU position of SFC encourage it; however, not a state wide push to go SFC 4-6 CSU currently SFC Cost can be up to $100K to implement a SFC Biggest cost: Signage & HR (i.e. offering assistance programs) Possible to get cost down <$5k Casey: Asked students how they would feel if we go to a SFC. Response torn on decision. Differences between public health message of the negative health effects versus infringing on individual freedoms. Ian: Other CSUs formed a committee to implement SFC Dr. Wilbur Btwn now and next mtg. are some broaching the topic of going SFC? Ian: indicated he would take recommendation on. New Business: NCHA Survey Last day of administering survey 220 students completed it Breaks the 22% mar $100 to $125 Book Store raffle 2011 was last survey ATOD awareness Orientation wk & beyond: Roger indicated 1st time offence is 20 demerits, 2nd offense penalties double + 2hrs of duty Aware Awake Alive CMA obtained $6K funding Ideas to use money next year to prevent ATOD poisoning Can funds be used to provide $s / gift card / raffle to students who board ship w/o measuring a BAL.Action Items Ian contact campus stakeholders to inquire about smoke-free efforts Future Issues/Goals Next meeting: April 5 at 4pm in Topp Room Date: 4/5/16 Location: Topp Room Time: 4-5Attendees: Angeli Acosta, Bruce Wilbur, Ruby Grover, Tom Hart, Tom Oppenheim, Ian Wallace, Ruby Grover, Dinesh Pinisetty Members absent: Dana Conrad, Natalie Laconsay, Jon Berg, Jim Gutierrez, Roger Scranton, Josie Alexander, Christine Smith, Ginger Edwards, Steve KretaIntroductory items 5 minutes Note taker of minutes today Ian Items to add to todays agenda none Approve agenda approved Approve meeting minutes not completed due to minutes not shared with committee in advance New member Nick Shields representing the TSGB. Not present today, but hopefully will join next year. Old Business 30 minutes Tobacco-free campus efforts Bruce updated committee on statewide effort to ban smoking and vaping at state colleges and universities (see more here:  HYPERLINK "http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article53740105.html" http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article53740105.html). This includes implementation on January 1, 2018 if passed. Angeli shared results of a smoke-free campus survey that she and Peer health educators administered to students in March. Total of 42 students participated. Results indicate mixed attitudes toward becoming a smoke-free campus. This was characterized as a difference over public health regulation vs individual liberties. A theme in the data included comments to move smoking areas father away from classes and buildings to reduce second-hand smoke. Discussion of what criteria to use to evaluate change: health data, attitudes and perceptions, social norms, Other systemic changes include UC being smokefree and cities (e.g., San Francisco) making smoking age 21 years old. Aware Awake Alive materials ordered $6,000 (Ian) USB drives, cards, magnets, ear buds, and bags. All with AAA logo on them Will be used for health promotion and programming on cruise, o-week, and more Peer health educators reportedly interested in bringing a speaker, which could relate to alcohol poisoning. Important to spend the money by the end of the fiscal year NCHA update (Ian) Summary of data presented, including comparisons to previous administration in 2011 and reference group schools. 22% response rate. Discussion of how to apply or use these findings Social norming of reality vs perceptions of use (disparate and used in social norms campaigns) Question about whether campus efforts to reduce alcohol misuse has an impact. Comments noted that this is difficult to determine but places to look include data and reports from housing, police, health center, conduct. Question about pubs on campus and whether this changes drinking habits. Regulation and policy npted to be evidence-based approach, including that campus pubs are generally highly regulated. This includes recent opening of regular alcohol sales through the Bistro on our campus every other Tuesday, starting this semester. Police noted no associated problems. Question raised about what changes or impacts do we want to see or move on our campus: examples shared included transports, injuries, sexual assaults and changes in high risk groups such as student-athletes (Rugby noted) and MT majors. Factors influencing alcohol misuse included cultural (sailor, male, athletics), cruise and drinking in ports, high number of units (e.g., ME). Discussion raised questions and hypotheses for analyzing the NCHA data this summer, including differences by major Future meetings with the committee will resume in the fall. Communication will continue this summer and opportunities for ATOD planning will be offered (e.g., analyzing NCHA and spending available AAA funds) Have a nice summer. Action Items Ian and others spend AAA money by end of fiscal year Ian keep group updated with legislative news (e.g.,  HYPERLINK "http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article53740105.html" http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article53740105.html) and ATOD committee progress Ian and others review and analyze NCHA data, incorporate into o-week and other presentations Future Issues/Goals Next meeting: TBD     Cal Maritime Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) Advisory Committee Minutes Page  PAGE 14 of  NUMPAGES 14   %./9:DE L M N f u H b { / L * + ۽ɹې h%:0Jjh%:Uh-oh\CJaJhTB hTBhTBh\hY[h\CJaJhL-]h%:hY[h\5CJaJh\5CJaJh%:5CJaJh-oh\5CJaJ hxB)5CJ h%:5CJhkhxB)5CJ1 /:M d$IfgdTBd$IfgdL-] $IfgdL-]d$IfgdL^gdziVM N f u gTA.. & Fd$Ifgd Em$ & Fd$Ifgd Em$ & Fd$Ifgd Em$kd$$Ifl0$. :  t0644 lapytL H b { / L  & Fd$Ifgd Em$ & Fd$Ifgd Em$ & Fd$Ifgd Em$ 3 4 5 6 J K L M N O P V ^ _ i r s y ~  HIJXxxxxleaaXXlh:}5CJaJhq hTBhqhY[h"5CJaJh"5CJaJhq5CJaJh-oh"5CJaJh"CJaJhDEh"CJaJhqCJaJ h\5CJh:h\5CJaJh-oh\5CJaJh%:h-5h%:h%:5h-oh\5>*CJaJh-oh\CJaJ h%:h\! 4 5 ppp^ & Fd$Ifgd%: & Fd$Ifgd%:m$$d$Ifa$gdLjkd$$Ifl$h% t0644 laytL5 6 J K q & Fd$Ifgd%:$d$Ifa$gdLjkd7$$Ifl$h% t0644 laytLK L M O _ s  IJqqqcd$Ifgdqd$Ifgd:}d$Ifgdz~ygdPjkd$$Ifl$h% t0644 laytL XYZ]o:G 'JPr;Tϻ'hSB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph'hNXB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph'h~9B*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph'hqB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJphh-oh"CJaJh-oh"5CJaJhq hTBhqh"hY[h"CJaJ2:Ge\\\\\\\\\ $Ifgdqkd+$$Ifl0$. :  t0644 lapytq jH123@gyhVV & Fd$Ifgdz~y$d$Ifa$gdz~yjkd$$Ifl$h% t0644 laytz~yd$If^gd~9 $Ifgdq ijpGH0123@fg"#븸ymmeeYh~9h"5CJaJhSCJaJh-oh"5CJaJh~95CJaJh-ohSCJaJhSh"CJaJh5CJaJhS5CJaJh-oh"5>*CJaJh-oh"CJaJ'hSB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph'hqB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph'hNXB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJph!g#[tcQ? & Fd$Ifgd & Fd$Ifgdz~y$d$Ifa$gdz~yjkdf$$Ifl$h% t0644 laytz~yd$Ifgdz~y & Fd$Ifgdz~y#QZ[\]^_`fpq{     " !E!^!!""="ɾuj_h-oh%:CJaJhY[h"?CJaJhY[h"?5CJaJh"? hTBh"?hY[h%:5CJaJh%:5CJaJh"?5CJaJh-oh%:5CJaJh%:CJaJhDEh%:CJaJhrCJaJhDECJaJh-oh"CJaJh-oh~95CJaJhCJaJh~9CJaJ%[\]_q  |||nn|d$Ifgd"?d$IfgdF7gd%:gdPjkd$$Ifl$h% t0644 laytz~y E!^!!",#Q#gZZZZMMZ  & F$Ifgd"?  & F$Ifgd"?kdZ$$Ifl0$. :  t0644 lapytF7="#+#,#Q#$$$%%&U&^&'e''''(u((()l)z)))***++++{+|+++++,1,2,7,8,,,,,,,-----.//////0v0011y1;;hUhUH*jh"?0JB*UphhbRah"?0Jjh"?U hbRah"?hh"?H* hhWhUh"?hWDQ#$$%e'''u(((l)z)))++,,,, & Fd$Ifgd"?m$ & Fd$Ifgd"?m$  & F$Ifgd"?  & F$Ifgd"?  & F$Ifgd"?  & F$IfgdW,,-//v001z1{11mX$hd$If^ha$gdWjkd$$Ifl$h% t0644 laytF7  & F$IfgdU  & F$Ifgd"?  & F$Ifgd"? y1z1{111111222`2a2b2c2w22222222222222222223G3H3I3W3޵ymiimhfhY[hf5CJaJhY[h%:5CJaJhf5CJaJh%:CJaJhDEh%:CJaJhUCJaJh-oh%:5CJaJh-ohU5CJaJh%:5CJaJhUhU5hUhU5CJaJhU5CJaJh-oh%:5>*CJaJh-oh%:CJaJ&112a2b2c2w22p_M & Fd$IfgdF7$d$Ifa$gdF7jkd$$Ifl$h% t0644 laytF7d$IfgdF7 & F8d$If^8gdW2222222H3I34sssd$Ifgdfd$IfgdF7gd%:jkd $$Ifl$h% t0644 laytF7 W3X3f3334444445;5555566677788u89::;;<(<<<<<<<=:=;=?=˻˻˻ûӏ}}r}hyh%:CJaJhy5CJaJh%:5CJaJh-oh%:5>*CJaJh-ohQ)CJaJhQ)CJaJh-ohyCJaJhyCJaJh%:CJaJhfCJaJh-oh%:CJaJh-oh%:5CJaJhf hTBhfhY[hfCJaJ*444556gUUUC & Fd$Ifgdy & Fd$IfgdF7kd$$Ifl0$. :  t0644 lapytF7678u8:;(<<<^jkdB$$Ifl$h% t0644 laytF7 & Fd$Ifgdy & Fd$Ifgdy & Fd$Ifgdy<<;=o==>r>s>t>>cjkd$$Ifl$h% t0644 laytF7d$IfgdF7 & Fd$IfgdF7$d$Ifa$gdF7 ?=@=A=n=o===>>>q>r>s>t>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?????wnnwnnwb^^nnbhEehY[hf5CJaJhf5CJaJhEe5CJaJh-ohf5CJaJhfCJaJhDEh%:CJaJhQ)CJaJh-oh%:5>*CJaJh-oh%:CJaJh-oh%:5CJaJh-ohQ)CJaJhQ)hQ)CJaJhQ)hyCJaJhy5CJaJhQ)5CJaJ#>>>>>>>???}oooooad$IfgdEed$Ifgd}gd%:jkd6$$Ifl$h% t0644 laytF7 & Fd$IfgdF7 ???????@@@ABCCDDD+DEF7FGGHHHHHHHIGIIIIIIIIIIIIIJJJJJ"J#J)J,J-J8JJJҸݧݒh? hY[hf5CJaJhf5CJaJh? 5CJaJhfCJaJh%:CJaJh2Mh-ohf5>*CJaJh-ohfCJaJh-ohf5CJaJhAhEehfhY[hfCJaJ8??@@@CDDg^^^LL? h$If^hgdEe & Fd$Ifgd E $IfgdEekd$$Ifl0$. :  t0644 lapyt}D+D7FGHHHHQjkdm $$Ifl$h% t0644 layt} & Fd$Ifgd} & Fd$Ifgd} & Fd$Ifgd E h$If^hgdEeHHHGIIIIIIIcjkd $$Ifl$h% t0644 layt}d$Ifgd} & Fd$IfgdEe$d$Ifa$gd} IIIIJ#J-JJJKK}oooooad$Ifgd? d$Ifgd}gdPjkda $$Ifl$h% t0644 layt} & Fd$Ifgd} JJJJJKJKKKLKKKKKKLL/LILJLPLMNOOOOPQ~QQQQQQQQR R R RRRR{R}RRS$S&SSSS׶ױױשעעױג׊ׂhh? 5hh? 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