ࡱ>  0bjbj11 .p[gp[gx 44444HHH8DHGzHL(G G G G G G G$JLxDG4DG44YG44GG>JB-Q@" GoG0G0@GM'GMDJBJB\GM4BdDGDGGGM X : AY 2016-17 Date: 9/14/16 Location: Topp Room Time: 1530Attendees: Josie Alexander, Jon Berg, Tom Hart, Tom Oppenheim, Roger Scranton, Nick Shields, Ian Wallace, Bruce Wilbur Members absent: Angeli Acosta, Ginger Edwards, Roberta Gray, Ruby Grover, Jim Gutierrez, Steve Kreta, Dinesh Pinisetty, Christine Smith, Introductory items 5 minutes Ian briefly welcomed everyone to the meeting and identified that the group did not meet quorum. Note taker of minutes today: Ian volunteered to take notes today. Items to add to todays agenda: no items added to the agenda. Introductions: members introduced themselves and shared impressions of ATOD on campus and from their respective area on campus Ian chair and campus psychologist. Noted o-week training, including PHE sessions by division Bruce health center director. Noted Think About It requirements for students, his presentations during o-week that include information about survival tactics for health. He noted news that the CSU will be going smoke, tobacco- and vape-free in sept 2017 and that all public colleges and universities in California in 2018. He also noted how drug testing perception of students is a factor at this time as they get accustomed to the drug testing practices and procedures. Tom O. ME professor, assistant coach for mens soccer team, and international experience trip lead. Nick TSGB. Noted cruise debriefing meeting among crew and ships officers supporting smoke-free efforts. Tom H. Campus PD. Average to below average violations thus far in the semester. PD supports smoke-free efforts. Noted that CA state law prevents purchase of tobacco under the age of 21. Roger Judicial Officer. no hospitalizatoions for ATOD yet this semester, but violations are consistent with past fall semesters. Josie Student Activities. Changeover had 1 incident last year. Jon student rep. drug use among students increases over breaks. Old Business Tobacco-free campus efforts: Bruce shared updated news about the CSU becoming smoke, tobacco and vape free in sept 2017. Outreach will come from student health and HR to educate, promote and raise awareness about this change. Efforts will also be made to provide smoking cessation resources to students, faculty and staff. He also noted that as an example, smoking in cars while on campus will be a violation. Questions were raised about the TSGB, which may fall under leased properties. Special consideration for those living on the ship[ and while underway. Questions were raised about enforcement of policy and violations, including demerits. But emphasis will initially be place on outreach education and promotion efforts. Tom H. plans to reach out to other campuses, including University of California campuses which have been smoke-free for a few years. Aware Awake Alive materials ordered $6,000: Ian provided information about how the money was spent on giveaways for events, including towels, shower shoes, USB drives, BAC cards, magnets, post-its. These are available to committee members for events and presentations. An aware awake alive banner and table skirt were purchased as well. NCHA update: Ian provided an update on the data available in the NCHA, a summary of key ATOD data points were presented at the last meeting. This dataset is a resource for campus partners for information on current use and attitudes of ATOD among students, as well as comparison data from 2011. Overall, data trends indicate an increasing similarity to national averages, which means a reduction in atod use, generally. Tom O volunteered to assist with data analysis if needed. Orientation week and beyond planning: this was skipped as it was covered in introductions New business Thirsty Thursdays at the Bistro. Weekly from 4-8pm: discussion of the title of the event generated impressions that it conveys a party or the start to a party (aka pre-game). Other impressions included that it does not convey moderation and instead conveys excess or indulgence. Anecdotal reports of attendance last year were that the events were attended by 8-12 people at any time. Tom H reports no police involvement or reported problems last year or so far this year. Initial reports this year indicate that the event was standing room, with upwards of 40 people in attendance the week before our meeting. Reports also shared that regulation using wristbands and restrictions on drink limits were being used. Discussion of whether drinking on campus is a harm reduction strategy. Ian shared how this is not listed on evidence-based approaches to reducing alcohol use. Bruce noted how this effort was discussed in the atod committee 2 years ago and the rationale included the healthy modelling of responsible drinking/consumption. It was noted that the Thirsty Thursdays sign was out during orientation week and how this might be negatively perceived by parents. The weekly event was also noted to be an opportunity for education and promotion, including possibly for the PHEs. One member questioned whether this was a liability concern for the university Questions were raised about the type and frequency of alcohol license for the weekly events. Party with a Plan ( HYPERLINK "http://www.partywithaplan.com/" http://www.partywithaplan.com/) ELDP event: Tuesday October 18th, 11-12noon in Rizza Josie shared how she recalls the presenter coming to campus in 2006 and 2007. She reports recalling that the presentation was well received. Discussion of possible food for the event. Save a Life Tour: distracted and impaired driving prevention event ( HYPERLINK "http://www.kramerintl.com/simulators/drunk-driving-simulator/" http://www.kramerintl.com/simulators/drunk-driving-simulator/) To be scheduled in early November due to cancellation of early date following theft of the companys event equipment. Ian summarized the event and informed members that more information will follow once details are finalized. Motivated to Moderate: Harm reduction support group for alcohol and other drugs: Ian promoted the group and encouraged others to refer students to CAPS for support. Action Items Tom H reach out to other campuses about PD response to smoke-free change Ian inform VPSA Kreta about Thirsty Thursday discussion Bruce inquire about food for the Party with a Plan eventFuture Issues/Goals Next meeting Wednesday Oct 12, 4-5pm in the Topp Room Event planning: Party with a Plan: Tuesday Oct 18, 11-12 in Rizza Save a Life Tour: Tuesday Nov 8, 10-4pm Mayo Hall (possible presentation 11-12 in Rizza). Date: 10/12/16 Location: Gold Room Time: 1600Attendees: Jon Berg, Tom Hart, Louis Bones, Diane Rawicz, Mark Goodrich, Bruce Wilbur Members absent: Angeli Acosta, Ian Wallace, Ginger Edwards, Roberta Gray, Ruby Grover, Jim Gutierrez, Steve Kreta, Dinesh Pinisetty, Christine Smith, Tom Oppenheim, Roger Scranton, Nick Shields, Josie Alexander Introductory items 5 minutes Tom Hart co-facilitating with Dr. Wallace and will be conducting the meeting today. Everyone welcomed to the meeting. Topp room reserved but occupied so moved to Gold Room at ~4:06. No quorum. Note taker of minutes today: Bruce volunteered to take notes today. Items to add to todays agenda: no items added to the agenda. Introductions: members introduced themselves . Tom Campus PD Lt. Co. Chair. Bruce health center director. Diane Director Enterprise Svcs. Mark Assoc. Director Enterprise Services Louis Food Services Director Jon student rep. Old Business Thirsty Thursday at the Bistro: Brief review of topic as discussed at the previous meeting including high Thursday night high alcohol consumption pattern described at many universities. Brief review of discussion of name of event. Remainder of discussion under new business. Party with a Plan presentation. Topic deferred. Save a Life Tour: distracted and impaired driving prevention event ( HYPERLINK "http://www.kramerintl.com/simulators/drunk-driving-simulator/" http://www.kramerintl.com/simulators/drunk-driving-simulator/) To be scheduled in early November due to cancellation of early date following theft of the companys event equipment. Motivated to Moderate group. Topic deferred. New business Thirsty Thursdays at the Bistro. Mechanics of the event review by Louis. Occurs weekly on Thursday evenings from 4-7pm. There are three servers. All servers will have completed the Serve Safe program within 2 weeks. Wrist bands worn to identify legal drinkers. Drink maximum was 3. Recent situation where a student may have pre-gamed and was intoxicated and had other issues. Police involved. Discussion of modeling responsible drinking via the regular event including tracking numbers of drinks on the wrist band. New planned drink maximum may be 2. Diane discussed that Dining Services records show 72-96 beers sold at each weekly event. Popularity of the event and drink sales may be related to the food offered. Very little wine is sold, mainly beer. The police have not noticed an increase in the number of alcohol incidents on Thursday evenings but are monitoring the campus for any issues, but are not stationed at the event. Jon pointed out that drinking on Thursday nights seems lower this year since formation has better attendance this semester on Fridays than in the past. Jon also commented that many students over 21 drive to off campus residences after leaving school and this could apply to Thirsty Thursdays as well, so DUI could be a concern if a student overconsumes somehow. Dining services will be testing a method of marking wrist bands so that the consumer of the beverage will be tracked for total drinks rather than the purchaser. Cal Maritime Alcohol Policy review Old and more recent draft policies handed out for review by Tom H. The existing policy is from 1997. Please review the existing policy and the 2015 draft for discussion at the next meeting. Motivated to Moderate: Harm reduction support group for alcohol and other drugs. Topic Deferred. Smoking and vaping- vaping myths and facts discussed. Unknown long term effects of vaping ingredients. Different than tobacco and possibly less cancer risk but health effects not known. May offer a way to reduce tobacco use but some students return to a higher level of smoking after trying vaping. Also flavored vaping products may be an enticing gateway to nicotine use for minors if they have access to vaping products. Drug testing- whats not covered. DOT mirror program at Cal Maritime tests for Marijuana;Cocaine; Opiates opium and codeine derivatives; Amphetamines and methamphetamines; Phencyclidine PCP. Discussion that some students gear drug use towards non-tested substances. Example given by Tom H. of LSD use. Discussion of expanded testing briefly discussed. Testing range may be defined by being a DOT mirror testing program. Abuse of medications- Topic Deferred.Action Items Review of campus alcohol policies for next meeting.Future Issues/Goals Next meeting info will be sent out by email Event planning: Party with a Plan: Tuesday Oct 18, 11-12 in Rizza Save a Life Tour: Tuesday Nov 8, 10-4pm Mayo Hall (possible presentation 11-12 in Rizza). Date: 11/10/16 Location: Topp Room Time: 1600Attendees: Ginger Edwards, Roberta Gray, Tom Hart, Steve Kreta, Tom Oppenheim, Dinesh Pinisetty, Roger Scranton, Ian Wallace, VP Lozano (guest), cadet Imbriale (guest) Members absent: Angeli Acosta, Josie Alexander, Jon Berg, Ruby Grover, Jim Gutierrez, Nick Shields, Bruce Wilbur  1. Introductions: -Ian briefed everyone that he would resume the Chair position -Note taker of minutes: Lt. Hart -Item added to agenda: No items added -Agenda Approved: Lt. Hart & Ginger Edwards 2. Old Business: a. -VP Lozano/Thirsty Thursday VP Lozano mentioned that the weekly "Thirsty Thursday" at the CMA Bistro has a test programand that the program would be placed into a "Paused" period until further review and analysis is completed. The "Pause" will alsolook into the current policy of "Use of Alcoholic Beverages on Campus." -R. Gray stated that she noticed several students attending night classes onthe TSGB after drinking at "Thirsty Thursday." -VP Kreta mentioned that the name "Thirsty Thursday" was problematic and causedsome concern/confusion for incoming parents during the 2016 O-Week b. -Ian discussed "Party with a Plan" which was held on campus approximately 3-weeksago with speaker Randy Haveson. The event was well received and delivered anemotional impact.It was also noted that Mr. Haveson had been on our campus in the past. c. -Ian discussed "Save a life Tour"/This interactive simulator training course was held in Mayo gym on Wednesday, Nov-8 from 10-4pm. 200+ Students, faculty and staff participatedwith this event.The event focused on driving while under the influence and driving while distracted (texting) and showed the operator their diminishing skills as they progressed through each program. d. -Tom Oppenheim discussed that data gather in the last NCHA survey as it relates to alcohol and drug use on our campus. 160 male & 60 female students filled out this survey. One power pointscreen indicated that a majority of men & women either engaged or received unwanted/unsafephysical contact. 3. New Business: a. -Ian discussed the potential effects of the passing of Prop-64 on Tuesday evening in CA. -VP Kreta added that no charge would occur in regards to Cal Maritime regulations as a result of this ballot result. Marijuana is still listed as a Schedule-1 drug by the Federal Govt. Outreach and education to current and incoming students will be needed. b. -Roberta Gray would like the smoking/vaping area moved away from the ABS buildings. -VP Kreta discussed in detail the pending CSU decision of "Smoke Free Campus" VP Kreta predicts that the CSU Board of Trustees will pass this policy which will most likely go intoaffect, Fall of 2017. -Lt. Hart will compile "Pen & Ink" changes to CMA policy on Use of Alcoholic Beverages on Campus" Meeting concluded at 1654 hours Action Items All send feedback to Lt. Hart on current alcohol policy revisions/edits by November 16th. Future Issues/Goals Next meeting November 30th, 2016 at 4pm in the Topp Room Date: November 30, 2016 Location: Topp Room Time: 1600Attendees: Jon Berg, Roberta Gray, Steve Kreta, Tom Oppenheim, Dinesh Pinisetty, Roger Scranton, Ian Wallace Members absent: Angeli Acosta, Josie Alexander, Ginger Edwards, Ruby Grover, Jim Gutierrez, Nick Shields, Bruce Wilbur 1. Insufficient membership present to approve minutes. 2. Alcohol policy reform and suggestions Ian and Tom Hart provided feedback on policy suggestions. These copies were shared with others to review, discuss and provide suggestions. Suggestions included: uniform language for the name of the university (e.g., Ƶ University, Maritime [CSUM]); reiterate the restriction on only beer and wine in the subsection of events; questions were raised to clarify that the TSGB section included the 0.04 BAC standard 3. Tobacco-free campus change Steve Kreta shared that the CSU System is scheduled to meet in January to discuss next steps on tobacco-free planning. Suggestions were made to begin public health campaign on campus during the summer, including on the TSGB. Additional suggestions to be discussed and planned during spring ATOD meetings. 4. Membership Ian shared that a review of membership is needed. Suggestions included Police services, Housing (Ruby to continue to serve so long as time fits schedule), Commandants Office, Athletics, cadet 1st or 2nd mate 5. Spring plans Tom Oppenheim suggested continuing to provide data from the NCHA. Steve Kreta suggested a campaign to educate students and the campus community following the passage of proposition 64 (marijuana legalization), including key specifics of the proposition and continued prohibition on campus and for students. Roberta Gray suggested obtaining a video of a comedian who presents on addiction that could be educational for students and could be used for programming in the spring. Ian to continue to present to the International Experience students about preventing alcohol-related problems abroad. Action Items Steve Kreta to reach out to Marv Christopher and recruit a member for the committee Ian to reach out to Police, Commandant, and Corps Commander to recruit members to join the ATOD committee. Ian to compile feedback on alcohol policy and provide to VP Kreta Ian to send doodle poll to members to schedule spring semester meetingsFuture Issues/Goals Spring meetings to be scheduled.  Date: 1/13/2017 Location: Topp Room Time: 1100Attendees: Roberta Gray, Angeli Acosta, Josie Alexander, Ian Wallace, Ruby Grover, Bruce Wilbur, Mark Monti, Elizabeth OBryan, Katie Harrington Members absent: Jon Berg, Ginger Edwards, Steve Kreta, Tom Oppenheim, Dinesh Pinisetty, Roger Scranton, Jim Gutierrez, Nick Shields, 1. Introductions and membership New members introduced: Mark Monti, Commandant of Cadets, Katherine Harrington, Athletic Trainer, and Elizabeth OBryan representative from the Corps of Cadets who is a divisional officer and is slated to be the Cadet Chief Mate on this summers Cruise. Membership fluctuations were discussed. Concerns raised about not achieving quorum in many meetings. The balance between inclusiveness of departments across campus and practical decision making was noted. Suggestions proposed, including asking members to not serve during a semester if they are unable to attend at least 2 meetings. Ian will reach out to VP Kreta with this suggestion and ask for guidance about approaching membership concerns. 2. Alcohol Policy reform Background was given by Ian and others regarding the development of alcohol policy reform, including the rationale of better regulation and containment of alcohol use on campus so to prevent excessive drinking, drinking and driving, as well as other alcohol-related problems. Discussion about a campus pub and how this is available per the new and current in the dining contract. Notes about Thirsty Thursday and VP Lozanos previous briefing to the committee were shared. Ian provided specific feedback/suggestions (e.g., mandatory educational component for all alcohol events) on the alcohol policy from the committee to VP Kreta. No response has been received and updates will be provided to the group. 3. Marijuana and Prop 64 educational and awareness campaign Ian provided update on this item that was suggested by VP Kreta last semester. Clarification for the committee that federal law prohibiting marijuana use (both MARAD and Dept of Education) prohibits use and possession on campus. Consequences for students violating this code were shared by Commandant Monti. Ian provided articles with information about the specifics regarding Prop 64 and a discussion of what to include in a campaign was had: specifics of the law, health education about effects of marijuana (short and long term, smoke inhalation), the CSU policy and state policy (and/or statements), addressing synthetic cannabis, resources for quitting or reducing use (e.g., harm reduction). The group also raised the question as to whether the federal government approach toward state marijuana laws that conflict with federal law will change with the new administration. With this question the group agreed to get further guidance from VP Kreta before proceeding with such a campaign. Ian to reach out to VP Kreta for guidance. 4. Tobacco-free campus update Bruce provide the group with the latest update about the implementation of CSU policy to be tobacco-free beginning sept 2017, that further information from the CSU is expected later this month. Bruce and/or Ian will share this with the wider group when available. Additionally, Governor Jerry Brown recently vetoed a state bill that would have banned smoking and vaping on all state university and college campuses ( HYPERLINK "http://www.latimes.com/politics/essential/la-pol-sac-essential-politics-updates-gov-brown-vetoes-smoking-ban-for-1474931450-htmlstory.html" http://www.latimes.com/politics/essential/la-pol-sac-essential-politics-updates-gov-brown-vetoes-smoking-ban-for-1474931450-htmlstory.html). Discussion of what to include in our awareness and educational campaign was had: information about the new policy, cessation resources, informing faculty and staff as well as the TSGB as a leased property that is covered in the policy, cessation classes in Solano county and possible bussing from campus if enough interest (or offer a related skills class on campus), Enforcement by Commandants, Police and others was discussed. Mark noted how the adjustment, particularly on the TSGB (including questions about possession), would be a challenge and would likely be slowly adopted. Members noted how students, faculty and staff will likely find work arounds to smoke as conveniently as possible, including places just off campus boundaries and even on a kayak on the water. Cleaning of these spaces was also raised as a concern. This was also seen as an opportunity to post information about the policy as well as possible fines in these spaces. Campaign is slated to start in summer 2017 to prepare for the fall, particularly on the TSGB. Subcommittee formed to work on this campaign: Katie, Mark, Bruce, Ruby, Angeli, Roberta, Ian Save a Life Tour Ian provided information about this tour, which will be available to return to Cal Maritime in fall 2017. They were on campus in fall 2016. It is a simulation of impaired driving (drunk or texting) that provides experiential learning to prevent impaired driving. Others shared that it was generally well received, particularly the texting simulator. Preference for March/April, even around or before St. Patricks Day (march 17). Ian provided a brief overview of Drunkorexia and the article shared in the email meeting announcement. Action Items Ian Reach out to VP Kreta with suggestion for members be required to attend at least two meetings per semester, and ask for guidance about approaching membership concerns. Ian - Reach out to VP Kreta for guidance about Prop 64 educational campaign in the context of a new federal administration. Ian send smoking data (National College Health Assessment) to groupFuture Issues/Goals Next meeting: February 10, 2017 at 1100 in the Topp Room Tobacco-free campus policy subcommittee (Katie, Mark, Bruce, Ruby, Angeli, Roberta, Ian) begin to generate a plan for the information and education campaign (once CSU guidance is provided) Date: February 10, 2017 Location: Topp Room Time: 1100Attendees: Roberta Gray, Angeli Acosta, Josie Alexander, Ian Wallace, Ruby Grover, Bruce Wilbur, Mark Monti, Elizabeth OBryan, Katie Harrington Members absent: Jon Berg, Ginger Edwards, Steve Kreta, Tom Oppenheim, Dinesh Pinisetty, Roger Scranton, Jim Gutierrez, Nick Shields Meeting Came to Order at 1108 Topp Conference room: Items to add to Agenda: Include consequences for violation of ATOD Policy to include all Faculty, Staff and Cadets Campus Policy Update: Diane Rawicz Input Liquor License: Single day License discussion. In future events, there will be no buying drinks; Cost of alcohol would be part of the overall ticket price. Issue with this is a change of policy for Enterprise Services as well as a Campus-wide Policy. How would Campus wide license apply to our Students? Are there any analytics for events where alcohol I served to justify change in Liquor License Policy? More due diligence required for consideration for Campus wide Liquor License. Review changes to Liquor License approval process. Marijuana Education Campaign: Additional VPSA input required on this program. Additionally need to review health effort Studies on the subject of Marijuana use. Tobacco Free Campus: Draft Executive Order (CSU) has been developed. Tobacco Task Force is in development. Members of this Task Force still to be determined. Cal Maritime Tobacco Free Campus initiative should be part of Cal Maritime Day venue. Requirement to inform prospective students, parents and include campus wide efforts on education (signage, policy development and enforcement) Save a Life Tour: Received information on Driving Impaired simulators that they are not available in April as hoped. Next opportunity to provide this on campus is no sooner than Mid October/Thanks Giving timeframe New Business: Pilot peer health Tobacco training for RHOs. Angela Acosta has information to support Cadets support Tobacco Free Campus initiative. Thought about producing our own Cadet based videos on campus for video vignettes production. ASCMA Changeover Dance; Venue Set. Meeting adjourned at 1154 Meeting Minutes prepared by Commandant Monti Action Items Future Issues/Goals Next meeting: March 17, 2017 at 11am in the Topp Room Tobacco-free task force to be formed  Date: 3/17/2017 Location: Topp Room Time: 11amAttendees: Angeli Acosta, Ginger Edwards, Roger Scranton, Josie Alexander, Ian Wallace, Katie Harrington, Ruby Grover, Bruce Wilbur, Mark Goodrich (guest), Krysta Kasinski (guest) Members absent: Roberta Gray, Jon Berg, Steve Kreta, Tom Oppenheim, Dinesh Pinisetty, Jim Gutierrez, Nick Shields, Mark Monti  Minutes approved (excluding February 2017) Agenda approved Old Business Campus Alcohol Policy Update (Mark Goodrich and Krysta Kasinski): Provided summary of change in alcohol policy regarding enterprise service and conferences and events. When bringing clients or vendors on to campus who wish to have alcohol at their events, the client or vendor is now required to have an alcohol license. This differs from the past when the campus sought the alcohol license. The campus catering (chartwells) will be able to provide trained servers for events, but the alcohol must be provided by the outside client/vendor and alcohol must be included in the price of admission to an event. No exchange of money or tickets for alcohol may take place. Enterprise services is seeking the support and endorsement of ATOD committee for this change. Questions and discussion: JA asked how ASCMA events would be affected or how the process would be altered by the change. KK responded that there is an option to hire a licensed bartender, alcohol can be donated (BW raised the question about what happens to the remainder or leftover alcohol and MG responded that the vendor/client is responsible for picking it up after the event). IW asked about the upside and MG reported cleaner service delivery and less liability or risk for the campus. GE asked about the ability to restrict or limit attendee drinks if there is no exchange of tickets and MG responded that the servers are trained to stop people when intoxicated but that education is the way to reduce use. This is not consistent with established evidence that prevention is based on restricted access, not education alone. ATOD discussion following guests departure: JA noted likely reduced alcohol events for students due to increased cost and steps to secure alcohol for an event (i.e., compared to an alcohol license for catering or a bar/pub on campus, noted by RG to be something previously discussed). BW noted that these changes are not on policy and instead on procedure. Others noted concerns about this possibly redirecting students to alcohol use other places (in residence or off campus) as well as the difficulties of finding catering with a license (and increased cost). BW also noted that there is no clear pathway for students to host an event where they would like to have alcohol available. RS noted how others CSUs work with catering for student events with alcohol and how this could be interpreted of not being supportive of student interests. JA noted that ASCMA could host more events off campus due to this change. BW summarized feedback for VP Kreta to include: the value of more student input to the process, question about revision to student policy or just to risk management, as well as questions about the why and how for alcohol events on campus. Tobacco-free campus update and Task Force (Bruce) BW provided an update on the campus Task Force that he is chairing and that was recently formed in anticipation of the finalized CSUOC Tobacco-free EO. He summarized first steps to include a possible July 1 start for making the campus tobacco-free, which will be communicated to current and incoming students. The TSGB will limited smoking areas to 1 while at sea and will be tobacco-free when docked at campus. Important first step will be to communicate with campus community members before the end of the semester, including info by email, resources available, FAQs. Models of other CSUs to be used. AA noted how a trainer from CYAN could be helpful for our adjustment an implementation of the EO. This would include training and self-help, groups (similar to American Lung Foundation training and that noted by GE). GE asked how staff has received the news and others noted that it has not been communicated widely yet but that early indications, including on the TSGB, are that it appears to be received well. KH noted that she plans to deliver monthly education in the athletic training area that can include tobacco-cessation and policy change information. This could include a video slide show, web information and links, as well as a video archive. BW suggested having multiple links to a main tobacco-free campus page. Marijuana education campaign (Ian): provided a brief update with resources to model our potential program. BW noted possibility of education related to drug testing process and AA suggested educational materials in the waiting area when providing sample. BW noted that there is no reading material currently but that there is a screen that could be used for similar purposes. New business PHE smoke and tobacco free presentations: AA noted delay in program but that PHEs are moving forward with the training, including finding ways to meet with housing (9pm all staff meetings).Action Items Ian and all gather input about alcohol procedure changes and compile for VP Kreta. Ginger send Ian information about tobacco cessation training that she received. All Provide support to Tobacco-free Task Force when assistance is requestedFuture Issues/Goals Next meeting: April 10, 2017 at 11am in the Topp Room Date: Location: Topp Room Time: 1600Attendees: Roberta Gray, Angeli Acosta, Josie Alexander, Ian Wallace, Ruby Grover, Bruce Wilbur, Mark Monti, Elizabeth OBryan, Katie Harrington Members absent: Jon Berg, Mark Monti, Elizabeth OBryan, Steve Kreta, Tom Oppenheim, Dinesh Pinisetty, Roger Scranton, Jim Gutierrez, Nick Shields,  Old Business Action Items Future Issues/Goals      Cal Maritime Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) Advisory Committee Minutes Page  PAGE 15 of  NUMPAGES 15   #,-678BCST 7 8 9 : Y  : ;  Z _ ۴ɩҥ|uuuuuqqhvw hCOhUC h-oh\CJaJh%:h hTBhh\hY[h\CJaJhUC hUC hUC CJaJhY[h\5CJaJh%:5CJaJh\5CJaJhUC 5CJaJh-oh\5CJaJ hxB)5CJ hVw5CJhkhxB)5CJ, -88 9 d$IfgdL-] $IfgdUC d$IfgdUC d$IfgdL^gdziV9 : Y ;  gZMMMZMM  & F$IfgdUC  & F$IfgdUC kd$$Ifl0$. :  t0644 lapytL Z I4vP/ & Fd$Ifgd8  & Fd$Ifgd & Fd$Ifgdvw & Fd$IfgdUC  & F$IfgdUC  & 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