
Judicial Committee



  • Mediate, arbitrate or adjudicate all conflicts in interpretation of the Constitution or By-laws of the Faculty Senate.
  • Oversee recall elections involving members of the Executive Committee of the Senate.


  • Members and alternates shall be first 3 faculty that qualify as determined in the following order, from most recent to least recent:
    • Senate Chairs from the past 5 years
    • Senate Vice Chairs from the past 5 years
    • Senate Secretaries from the past 5 years
    • ASCSU representatives from the past 5 years
    • Fully-promoted faculty
    • The three members shall designate the Chair.
    • If a Judicial Committee member is party to any conflict of interpretation or, determined to be conflicted by the other two members, an alternate shall be appointed to the committee for resolution of that item only.