
The Senate Executive  Committee can be contacted at SenateExec@csum.edu or by contacting its individual members.

AY 2024-2025 Executive Committee Membership

Photo of Dr. Sarah Senk

Sarah Senk (Chair)
Culture and Communication

Photo of Dr. Taiyo Inoue

Taiyo Inoue (Vice Chair)
Sciences and Mathematics

 Photo of Dr. Ariel Setniker (Member at Large)

Ariel Setniker (Secretary)
Sciences and Mathematics

Portrait photo of Julie Chisholm

Julie Chisholm (ASCSU representative)
Culture and Communication

Photo of Dr. CD Isakson

Christine Isakson (ASCSU representative)
International Business and Logistics

Portrait of Keir Moorhead
Keir Moorhead (Member at Large)
Engineering Technology
Portrait of Maggie Ward
Maggie Ward (Member at Large)
Marine Transportation

If you have questions concerning Senate materials, please contact Senate Secretary Ariel Setniker at asetniker@csum.edu

For information about past members of Senate Exec, please see: 

Updated 2024-08-26