
Cal Maritime is a No Smoking - No Vaping Campus

Vendor Data Record (204 Form)

All Cal Maritime vendors are required to complete the .  Use the link to complete the workflow process. Vendors are requested to submit any changes to their vendor data at their earliest convenience to help Cal Maritime to keep their records up to date. 

Terms and Conditions: CSU General Provisions

Vendors are responsible for familiarity with 天美视频 University (CSU) General Provisions.  These provisions apply to all of Cal Maritime's contracts and procurements.  These provisions are available upon request from the campus procurement office or the CSU Contract Services & Procurement website:.

Authorized Purchases

All campus procurements must have a purchase order or contract number and signed by the authorized procurement personnel unless purchased on a campus issued procurement card.  Vendors/Contractors shall not commence work until an authorized purchase order or executed contract has been received.  All goods must ship to the campus.  Any work performed prior shall be considered as having been performed at Vendor/Contractor's own risk and as a volunteer.

Sales Tax

Cal Maritime is not exempt from state sales or use tax.

California vendors doing business with Cal Maritime and those vendors registered in California are required to pay all contributions, taxes and premiums payable under federal, state and local laws measured upon the payroll of employees engaged in the performance of work under a contract, and all applicable sales, use, excise, transportation, privilege, occupational and other taxes applicable to products and supplies furnished or work performed.

Parking Information

 Vendor and Contractor Parking (effective January 2025)


All vendor are requested to invoice after goods are shipped or services are completed.

All invoices should be mailed to:

Attn: Accounts Payable
200 Maritime Academy Drive
Vallejo, CA 94590

All invoices must include:

  • The entire Cal Maritime Purchase Order Number or Cal Maritime contact employee.
  • Detailed and itemized description of the products and/or services provided.
  • Sales tax information (if any).

Incomplete invoices may result in a delay of payment. 

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