Apostille Notarized Transcript/Diploma
In order to obtain the Apostille and Notarized documents, you will need to:
Order a copy of your transcripts and a duplicate diploma. The transcripts are $4 and the duplicate diploma is $30. The check for these items may be made payable to Cal Maritime.
Duplicate Diploma Request Form
Mail a letter of request (or the forms) to us for the transcript and/or diploma along with the apostille request form to the Secretary of State.
(to be sent to the State of California Office)
Include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for the State of California to send the documents to you. The address for the State of California is listed below:
Notary Public Section
P.O. Box 942877
Sacramento, CA 94277–0001
Please put this address on your self-addressed envelope.
Include another check, for $40, made payable to the Secretary of State.
Please send this packet to us at:
200 Maritime Academy Drive
Vallejo, CA 94590
We will print the transcript and order duplicate diploma, have the documents notarized with verification, and send it all, with a letter from us, to the Secretary of State office in Sacramento. The Secretary of State will send the Apostille back to you in the self-addressed envelope.
For additional information, please visit the Secretary of State’s website at:
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 925.631.4214