University Authorized Driver Program
Last Updated: 02/19/2024
CSU policy requires that all employees who drive State, or privately owned vehicles, (including rental vehicles, power carts, tractors, forklifts, 10+ passenger vans and any other powered vehicles), on University (State) business be identified and authorized by the Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) office.
It is CSU policy that only University employees may drive University vehicles. Employees of non-state entities, or students driving on University business, must be an identified State Volunteer (Person of Interest (POI)) in order to drive on University business. University business is defined as "only when driven in the performance of, or necessary to, or in the course of, the duties of University employment."
The Cal Maritime University Vehicle Safe Operator Program provides the details of the full program and is designed to align with the .
Program Requirements Prior to Driving
- Whether a paid employee, student employee, or unpaid volunteer, EVERYONE must be enrolled with Human Resources. If you are a current employee, skip this step. An unpaid volunteer must be enrolled as a Person of Interest (POI).
- Complete University , enrollment triggers a drivers license pull. This is a process to ensure each person has a license in good standing prior to being approved to drive for the campus.
- Complete , provided through the SumTotal CSU Online Training System (Must be in Human Resources system). If you are unable to accesss CSU training, please complete . For DGS, you will be required to create a Pathway Account. When completed forward the Certificate to your supervisor or their designee and to .
- If you will be using your personal vehicle on University Business. Complete Authorized for Private Use Form: STD 261 and ensure your host department has a completed, signed copy. Must have updated signature annually.
Defensive Driver Training
- All Employees should complete SumTotal Driving Safer, . If you are not a Maritime employee you will need to complete DGS training.
- Must create a Pathway user account
- Must complete entire training and save certificate as a PDF. Forward the Certificate to your supervisor or their designee and email to .
- Training can be provided in script form with associated tests, if for some reason online system will not work. For script and tests, please email
- CSU Learn Defensive Driver Training is approved, but should only be used if the person already has access and can show proof of completion.
Vehicle Incident Reports