Conference poster

Curriculum Development Conference



To systematically build/modify a comprehensive training solutions approach to marine firefighting beyond NFPA-1405:  land-based fire services will use a combination of industry expertise including State Fire Professionals, Port Fire Departments, Marine Terminal Managers, Salvage and Spill Response Companies, Professional Educators and Fire Training Faculty, Coast Guard and Senior Commercial Vessel Mariners.

By employing empirical lessons learned, examining past incidents, and existing heuristic training approaches, develop a more comprehensive set of standards and coursework from nozzle to Incident Commander, from both sides of a berthed vessel.

List of Desired Conference Discussions & Outcomes

Common Sense Vulnerability/Risk Assessment by Those Directly Involved

Core Competency Identification in Tactical Mitigation

Shortfalls in Response

How All Elements Integrate with Others

Notes on C3 Issues for Further Analysis

Training Standards Identification

Overall Structure of Training Program Sequence

General Organization of Coursework

General Outline of Each Course (KUPs)

Related Training Identification (e.g. Damage Control)

Identify Resources Needed

Identify Facilities & Props Needed

Identify Faculty Qualification

Course Approval Vetting Processes

Follow-on design phases: CDC on incident management-level

ICS/Joint Command seminar(s)/exercises

Create an Industry/First Responder Coalition and Review Board (Incident AAR)

Action List

Publication of Conference

Suggested Daily Schedule & Agenda

Day 1           Maritime Operations Overview – Maritime Safety & Security Center

Introductions, Conference Overview & Outcome Identification                                           

Marine Incidents In/Near Ports & Port Response Review                                              

Past Efforts to Upgrade State's Response Training Preparation                      

Maritime Response Legal & Liability Overview (Liability of Responders)                                              

Orientation to Marine Operations (overview)                                              

Orientation to Terminal Operations (overview)                                              

Regional & State Response Planning Overview                                  

Maritime FF and Damage Control – Current Training Review

EVENING NETWORKING RECEPTION – location to be announced

Day 2          Organizing In-Port Fire Incident Training – Maritime Safety & Security Center

Vulnerability & Risk Identification                                   

Core Competency Identification Formulation                                                                             

Working Group Tasking 1:

MFF Curriculum Design Framework Development                                

Working Group Tasking 2:

Individual Course Design Specifics                                                   

Plenary Session Collation

Review of Work Group Findings                                           

Conference Attendance Certificates


Conference Presentations